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Hey Dude! Hello from San Diego! Love your site.
In case no-one has told you,
where do the kids go when mommy and poppy want some privacy? |
this is the best site I have ever found and that's saying something! I love it!
Sitting here
in Vermont
It was nice to see Kellys Cove,
The G. Highway and La Playa
in your pics. Makes me want to dig out
the longboard and do some sliding!
You should also know
that the lead vehicle
in the medicine ball caravan in the
late sixties (50 buses strong) was a
VW Bus that had painted on the front..
"we've come for your daughters!"
This was a cool 15 minute
hookey session from work.
I'm one of those "happy idiots"
(thank you Jackson Browne) with a
house and a yard, etc. But your site kinda
makes me want to rip the seats out of the minivan
and install a jacuzzi and a good sound system, and hit the road.Happy Holidays
the cosmic overworld is pleased with you. long life and good mood from alpha centauri....
Looks like a 60's hippi bus that gave them freedom
from a structured society
Now, that bus takes it all! You really hit it with this one, even though the house truck on the page before is awsome.
You beat me to the punch, I want to create a web
page called Homey's Vanworld, modeled after my
brother who is living out of his. We've
come up with very funny material.
You have the same wry
sense of humor about it all.
One of the ways to be a great
May I ride the bus naked?
this one is really supper cool!! I love the idea of living out of a truck that i suped up! i think it would be kewl to get an old like moving van and turn the inside in to a house
i have
tears in my eyes
cuz i am laughing so hard!
very cool...wicked site
Love is where your home is
the question
is not tv or satellite phone...
the question is CIA, FBI, or just a recycled Hog Farm bus?
Mobil houses rule
Chris in Orange, VA
Life is a journey from pt A to pt B,
kick max a** along the way! Ted Nugent
nice wheels, man
hi hello
Wonderful series of pictures,
especially the building on wheels #9.
Will check back.
I have been stuck here, having fun!!
Happy holidays!
dude, yer fucken site kicks ass!
from ron in canada
I must admit, I
am captivated...
and I need to wrap gifts for my grandkids...
but this is fun!!
An interesting assortment of pictures
and commentary; at times offensive,
often in poor taste, probably libelous.
I think you should talk to a lawyer.
What the hell is this site?
i hate rye bread...yuk
Here's the live updating archive