(12/28): Today our Bad
Connections stuff is a "cool site of the day"
To celebrate we updated the sitemap and created the
Voices of the Void section.
(12/24): I put up more messages that people
sent to my beeper. If
it gets any more strange we're all in trouble.
Also, I know this is the moment you've been waiting for:
we now take just about every credit card, and we can process
your order on a secure server. If
you want to buy some slices of wrybread, click here.
Remember the Wrybread motto: "Support the underground
or one day everyone will be working for McDonalds".
(12/24): I put up more messages that people
sent to my beeper. If
it gets any more strange we're all in trouble.
Also, I know this is the moment you've been waiting for:
we now take just about every credit card, and we can process
your order on a secure server. If
you want to buy some slices of wrybread, click here.
Remember the Wrybread motto: "Support the underground
or one day everyone will be working for McDonalds".
(12/23): I put up a list of actual searches
that have ended up at Pretty bizarre
stuff, the mysterious ways of search engines. You
can link to it from the WryBread Search Cam.
(12/22): Happy Solstice, and our Live-In
Vehicle Section is a "Netscape Cool Site of the
Day", which marks the second time this month a
slice of Wrybread has been so honored. A week ago
Evil Cave Boy madness was featured. What
can I say, the folks at Netscape have good taste, though
I'm sure AOL will make short work of that. We're getting
tons of hits, and tons of comments from people passing through
the site, and lucky you can read them all here.
(12/21): You can now search the whole site
using the little search window.
Find those hidden WryBread crumbs, some stale and some half-baked.
(12/19): At long last Wrybread has a posting
section. Click here
and say something goofy. Speak and
be spoken to.
(12/12): Just for pure giggles I put up a
screen where you can monitor actual searches being performed
on the Magellan search engine. Click
here for the Wrybread Search Cam.
(12/11): As of today this site is printed
on 100% recyclable electrons.
(12/9): You can read what people have said
to my beeper by clicking here.