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Check out the luxury accomodations on Da Buss. That's Jaquo on the far right playing with Igo Yugo Too's head. Roberto is relaxing on the seedy couch in the back beneath the piss bucket. Chucko is driving. And Flo is shaking a rhythm egg to the music. Gammo is working the camera and is not visible. We are on the road maybe a couple of hours out of San Francisco, on our way to Burning Man 2000. Add a comment below.

Who wants to Rock Swivel and Bob?
Igo Yugotoo Burning Man Preview
Buss at the Lake

Wrybread Burning Man Radio 2000

CyberBuss camp part 1 on the Cyberbuss site Part 2

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very very cool, i can feel the desert heat blowing in thru the windows. what we need next is a virtual piss bucket. i bet i'd be able to feel the heat coming out of that too.


hey melba, wake up. that music would put me to sleep too.


here we go,
on the road-de-do-do
with the New found "oh's"
Jocko & chucko,
Gammo & Roberto
. . .
and then there's Flo


Hey What's that supposed to mean?!


you people are of the wall but i reaken you have a fucking excellent time i wish i could join in with you mad people


i saw the bus at san onofre today and i had to go to your site to see what it was. i still have not idea what it is but it looks like you guys have a bitch'in time on that bus


oh this looks like fun....makes me wish me and my gang would take an unexpected road trip or something in that order.....mariah---virtuallypainless@yahoo.com


Wrybread and Gametone coverage of Burning Man 97-99

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