Hey there, RED here, I'm the guest narritive webumentarian of the day, reporting to you live from the desert in the Cyberbuss. Today's adventures were amazing, like all adventures here on the playa. I swear, this place is one big Dali painting. Did someone say surreal? Oh yeah. I walk five paces and there is a gong that you can hit that will summon dragons into your dreams. Walk five more steps and find yourself in the audience of an ongoing stand up talent show where you can witness everything from acordian players accompaning a guy with a 7 foot inflatable penis to a performance art piece involving saki, grapes, and women in flowy scarfs.

Five more steps and you are taking a playa piss on a grand expanse of dried lake bed that extends miles and miles farther than the eye can see.



I see god


I thought I saw God?


where is god?


where are the pics of the man??
go visit Krackutopia for a wild upside down ride!!!
ask for MrF
from the NY prisoner


While never having experienced Burning Man in person, I have found it hard to 'define' it. But after reading your post I feel much more at home now. When you capture the heart, the soul and essense of something it is like catching the wind itself. Thank You, grnch


[really long message extracted, but interesting]


its weird


piss where no man has pissed before....




And you take pictures of a fence :(


what happens when you take five more paces forward?...a platypuss in a playa puddle.....eh perhaps..




From the looks of the photo above with the white picket fence, Burning Man appears to have evolved back into middle
Americana! Tom Sawyer will not be far behind, no doubt.




where is Venus/230?
oh great Xina where r u?(lk)




Bleat, Bleat, Bleat


I wish I were right there, right there in the middle.

clark ov saturn,
space trucking mogul


Gotts go next year for the real Y2K...2001!


wish i was there :(


So, It's the Real Clock-Melting TimeWarpin' Salvatore Stuff...YAY...


That's an amazingly clean trash fence for having seen 60 mph winds.


Aren't those numerous decolorations of the playa lovely....


I found that the safest place to piss is was on the tire of my car. It was one place I was sure not to step. I told some friends about this idea, unfortunately they misunderstood. Eventually the whole camp was pissing on my tire. Can you say "car stuck in the mud"...I knew you could.


what? no bushes?


is dis da fence from da buss?


Oh mi god..it's the New mythology- it's the resurrection of the power of myth. Every year it's creation, death, and resurrection. At last a central figure that stands for all of us.


durn, that fence sure looked oranger when i saw it...where was this taken?


nice fence


hey there everyone. i just wanted to say that on friday the 3rd my band "boudeeka" played at the draino lounge at 10pm. it was one of the most exciting experiences i have ever had. i want to thank everyone who stopped by and listened and thank everyone for making my first burning man an enjoyable and memorable one.
bill lonero


one of my favorite memories of BM is the image of all those squating shadows in the inner circle...


Mmm, love them squating shadows. Lick 'em up.


sa add dog




I experienced the most heart felt encounters at BM this year. I say encounters because no one event stands out in my mind. Was it the couple making love in the triangle tent or might it be hanging out for several hours nursing a hang over playing foosball or could it be hanging with my fellow burners around a warm fire on a cold night. Hard to say. I guess the one word that best describes it for me is "amazing". If only the rest of the world could experience the peace and love I had felt even for a moment then the world would truely understand the meaning of the word brother. Again, AMAZING!!!


What is God?


doG spelled backwards, dude, duh!




AMAZING, that's all.




God was camped at 4:15 Jupiter




Don't pee on the playa! Use a port a potty! Leave No Trace extends to pee too!


i want to be home on the playa
not here where the clock ticks my life away


Next year I'll be with ya!!


just what the fuck is all this mean?


leave if u dont like it.




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I like the street set up here. It makes total sense. Consentric circles named after each planet radiate outward from the center, with the cross streets indicating what radius of the circle you are on, the hands of the clock. Madam Ruby digs the cosmic address. She resides between Neptune and Uranus.

hey red where is the good ole red dress you wore on you web page

would love to take of these cuffs and chase you around!!!!




earth wind and fire--what a combination


Not my Anus!


Urban Planers are watching.... tell us what werks!

(We are here to fix the world!...help!)


Wanna see the naked people up close!!!


where is Venus/230?
Oh great Xina, where r u?


i want footage of 4:20 ally.
~sadly unburnt, bbnextyear


awesome dude


Finally, a nekked person!


concentric circles


Wow! Earth and 4:00 was my cross street! How did you know?


ditto, i liked the concentric blockage better than last years radiant style


The Aliens Say Fuck You


So what stands in place of the Sun, the Burning Man? -matthias


The wheel of time, the best theme yet, being it my 3rd glorious year at Black Rock City. Can it get any better? Or any more WEIRD? I hope so!!




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Burning Man is rad. It's one advneture after another. Have no expectations and all your expectations will be exceeded.

deer tick?


Yet another graduate of the GeoMETry camp school of architecture. {8~{D>


The Hooters Tent


where's Terbo Ted?




glad to hear you're on a positive note


Is this a NASA project gone bad?


depends on how many drugs you take


This is our camp! Yes, it is a geometry. No NASA involvement but haloes were left at the landing site.






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It's the little things that make it so awesome. The smiles, the waves. People are NICE here.

Nice people? Nice people? Wait a minute, let me get my Websters.


bring it on (as reflected by this secular
alien rain dance)....




E and K and LSD spell: one fucked up baby


I'd like to welcome you all to Earth!!! Have a nice stay, but don't move in!


Something interesting for once :)


wow, whata concept


Baby on board?


It looks like people are stoned and hot here. What is this person actually wearing?


I feel like this sculpture, crying out because I couldn't come to Burning Man this year. But also raising hands in praise that you are all there creating it. Come home playful!


Has anyone seen my legs?




You see what happens when people are left unsupervised?



and then you get out on the highway and flip each other off and ignore each other all over again


people were nice there, so loving and open hearted, like a big Halloween party where you can where costumes and go door to door and people will welcome you in and give you things. we had lemonade stands and of course it was free. cd, big sad sigh can't believe I fonally made it and now it's over, so bummed, but really motivated and inspired by your great site. (jacqui)


wassup burning man krew!!Hopefully someone who knows me will read this:Cory aka FiLtEr One sez wuzup. Someone tell Violet the purple child I sed PeAcE and SATTA MASSAGANA


fucking cool


waaaaa!!!! I'm lost somebody help me....




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For instance, the other morning, we were all hanging around camp too lazy to make breakfast but of course we were all hungry as truck drivers so Lady Fredrick and I began asking people walking by on Uranus if they would like some breakfast, in return for making it. Within 5 minutes, we had a sucker, I mean, lucky volunteer. We happily invited Aaron from Colorado into our camp who made us a most delicious french toast feast.

What a grand way to get something done - necessary to both and all happy at the end. If only.........


rosemary's baby


That's not your breakfest, I hope.


Humm, you are playaing with the new (old) economic
barter system, does it really work?


Ahhh- Colorado French Toast! Aaron- will you make some for me when you get back?


Hey! This is Aaron from Colorado! Was I shocked unt surprised to get home and have my girlfriend know I was cooking for strangers! Well met - see ya next year!


Right On! We kinda did the same only with our camp neighbors who brought sandwich stuff for all their meals. Worked well for everyone =)


cooperation in any form nowadays is a welcome union! Feast on food, feast on people, feast on land!




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