Wookie Maiden Voyage                           page 5 of 6

Some of the other camps were just beautiful. This is Scott and Casey's camp, which makes you feel like a smurf.


The green astro turf is the jam zone. Another interesting note about this place is the way music sounds much better. It's a weird thing, I can figure out any song on the guitar here in like a minute, even more complicated jazz standards. Maybe its in the way everything slows down.


I love their kitchen.


A couple more pictures of the wave for the surfers in the audience. Unfortunately this was about as big as it got while we were there, and it only lasted a day.


It's funny though, even on previous days when the wave was really small, it had a real snap to it. Just a spectacular, world class wave.


And you can't beat that shape, with the morning off-shores blowing until 10am or so, sometimes noon. This wave might look like a closeout (to the non surfers: a "closeout" comes crashing down in an unsurfable way instead of peeling), but it's not.


Packed up, time to leave.


Drove the 10 miles of dirt to get back to Route 1.


Sam at the wheel. What's up gringo? I like calling fellow gringos "gringo", makes me feel like an oppressed minority reclaiming a derogatory term. Yes I realize that "gringo" isn't exactly derogatory, and that the only reason gringos might be slightly oppressed in Mexico is because we're so damn oppressive. But still.