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57. The Babysitter - Ruby Blue gets a walk.
Music: Panorama Jazz Band


Episode List

Talk to Kitty Blue:


Kitty Lover said:

That's one fine episode.


Ben Schenck said:

I liked that. It gets me hearing our track of "Whispering" in a new way to have visuals along with it.


Ralphiolini Tortiglioni said:

Wonderful! The kids love to listen to Panorama's Jaja. Me and Freda and Corinna watched and listened until I said we could watch it again later.


Weenie Dog said:

Hooray for Kitty Blue! You're back, you're back!


Justin Credible said:

Ruby is such a little poopy girl!! I love her, I want to change her diapers and take her shopping for jewels! xoxox jc


Jose said:

have more sexual stuff in your shows please!


Anonymous said:

i love you kitty blue


Anonymous said:

hey kitty blue, we love and miss you!


bar said:



howie 12 weeks old said:

i love you kitty blue. love from howie, the kitten


mel said:

hi how are you


mel said:

what is kitty blue y not kitty orange?


benny said:



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