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5. Many Moons - Friend Clarice offers Kitty Blue bad advice about relationships.
Music: Ramfut Summer by Gametone
Voice: Rasputin
Episode List

Talk to Kitty Blue:


Again I wait...Slow loading rate.
I long for home...Or a holiday in Rome.
It is late..How many dates?
Forget her...There's better fur!

PeaceDog (a friend of Cyberbuss...HaazKwaz)


The slow loading rate upsets Rasputin too. Suggestions anybody?


maybe a game to play while things load up, like maybe a little Kitty Blue Pong would placate Rasputin.


big headed kitty blue is my favorite. i want to hug him and squeeze him and pet him and love him and we will live off da fattadaland together.


love it love it love it
to music) you light up my life
see you soon!
(London) Simon xxxx


blue dog gonna get you
gonna get inside your head
gonna get your coffee cold
gonna learn to get kitty
kitty kitty bang band


something is wrong with episode 5! it wont load up


Nothing's wrong with the Kitty, she loads up fine. May have been bad ol' mr.web congestion.


as for slow loading rate turn everything on the page into symbols and re-use movie clips. You are only charged once in file size per usage of symbol. Compress and reuse music the same way.


i love you!


I love you Kitty Blue


I sympathize with Kitty Blue. Kitty Blue has right to be happy just like anyone else...


how can I get a copy of kitty sitting at the school desk from 2 episodes ago?


for a picture of kitty sitting at her desk, or any other still picture from the series, send kitty blue your email address and she will send you a jpg to download, or email her your regular address and she will mail you one 8 1/2 by 11 autographed picture of kitty blue




Anonymous said:

lovely voice u've got kitty blue


Anonymous said:



Rabbit's ProZone said:



ammarco said:



Kido said:

Hi there


saki said:

Are you okay kitty blue?


saki said:

Are you crazy kitty blue?


Mariah said:

random thoughts...
dont u just love the music, RED KITTY SMOKE IT BABY YA.......BAD KITTY BLUE...........*looks at son* i hope he like kitty blue..but hes a boy



Maziola said:

Too bad it didn't work out between Kitty Blue & Red Kitty. I was looking forward to their purple litter of kitties.


Gametone Teleporter:

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