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10. Eclipse - The Talk Show Host tells the Astronomer how he feels about him.
Music: Ramfut Summer by Gametone
Bad Therapist: Polly Gelfman
Bad Clarice: Kay
Episode List

Talk to Kitty Blue:


WOW! So many disasters - man-made, nature-made, and kitty-made. Love Ei


Hey Kitty, got any Paxil?


Kitty blue! I told you to take your effexor! Now look what you've gone and done. -- Polly


My hovercraft is full of eels! - Bagman


Where can I buy that kitty toy? Mewmewmew.


no wonder Kitty is blue!




hi kitty blue.


very nice


Are you related to the blue dog?


I know a really nice Black Kitty that you would like. What do you say???


WOW! So many disasters - man-made, nature-made, and kitty-made. Love Ei


My hovercraft is full of eels!



Effexor makes me see red dots on everything.


rami said:



ramez said:

Lool Nice Cat Loool Good For You :P


Ramez said:

Kitty :P Its Me Ramez Hot_hat_3000 :P Black Mummy :P Welcoem :P Lol Nice Cat Say Meaw Mewaw :)) Soo funny Wallahi :P


Anonymous said:

howb are u


muhamed said:

i am 31/m/egypt i am accouentant and have a gym my pic in my profiel can i talk with u


ammar said:

hi betty kitty


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