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is also made from wine crate wood
and the tongs are also made from that
same batch of found shelf brackets.
But I went a bit crazy with the idea
of getting
harmony out of a single tong.
I split each one down it's length with my saber saw.
It took forever, and though I tried to do it at hours of the day
that I hoped my neighbors were not at home, it must have
them crazy with the noise.
The result is pretty microtonal and it
sounds best played by itself or with
other untuned percussion
Be a virtual Gametone
this is sweet. in music class, we have to make homemade instruments and a teacher gave us this sight for inspration!
i love the ideal of making something out of noting
hace buen tiempo hoy. Hablo espanol y inglis
the page doesn't make any sense. i am chris and i am first trumpet and first chair in united states band!
ahhhhh...i agree with the person before me... this site make no sense at all... lol...but i find that instrument pretty cool...i was assignment to make an instrument in science...yeah learn' 'bout sounds and light...
ahh.. yeah cya!^-^
Hmmm. Well I try to make sense. I make sense to me.....hmmm.What may not make sense to you, is that these are not step-by-step instructions on how to build school science projects. Your teachers probably sent you here to jog your creativity a bit with my wacky homemade instruments. But my construction methods and materials don't easily lend themselves to scientific quantification, or to being used by unsupervised, unskilled children. But if you read the descriptions and do a little thinking for yourself, there is a wealth of hints how to make music out of just about anything you can find around your house. Have fun, let me know how your instruments come out.
Here's my music links page. It will lead you to many sites where you may find more direct instructions. Here's a site that has many pictures of musical instruments made by kids: http://www.op97.k12.il.us/schools/longfellow/lrexford/base/
Music Rox!
this website needs more info!!!!!!!
what is a ceng ceng?
Thank you Mr. Rihe for the cool web page. I always on this web page.Cool links is my favorite page.
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