"Functioning in conjunction with Radio Free Cyberbuss"
(If you have trouble with the RealAudio, try clicking here.
If that doesn't work, click here.)
Click the little Anton to hear all the Real Audio clips I've made so
far. Use page-up/page-down to skip clips. They're in the order listed
below. You can also scroll below to hear them individually. Might I suggest
looking at some photos of Wrybread Radio while you listen? (If
you don't have realaudio, click here and get the free
download of the realplayer. If you have questions, click here.)
Lieutenant Gespacho's on-air mugging, the short version.
Our Wrybread Radio morning shock jocks.
Cyber Sam, Lieutenant Gespacho, Pussywillow, and a rogue Playa Chicken.
Playa Phone! Playa Phone! Playa Phone!
Blended the morning after. The starts and stops you hear in the conversations are
from the @#$@#% voice activated tape recorder. (Playa Phone Man: I lost your
email. Please email me.)
Fireball on da Playa
Lieutenant Gespacho interviews the mysterious Jim Merry
Sam Most Cyber and a Space Cowgirl hold court on the proper use of a
baby wipe.
Situation wanted by Cock Notch.
Smoken Joe was looking for some hot-rodded coffee.
The Purple Headed Accordion Player and a saxaphonist/noisist performed
as we ate dinner one night.
The Playa Poet stopped by a bunch of times. Always welcome.
Of course, everyone was always welcome.
Smoken Joe again.
Cyber Sam and I are still living off the proceeds of the station.
Unfortunately I only recorded until about Thursday. After that my
enthusiasms were elsewhere. It's a shame because, as you'd expect, most of the
really good stuff happened during the weekend. For example, I completely missed our
Ace Alarmist DJ Gustavo yelling about how the dust storm was caused by the government's
black helicopters in collusion with the corporate buy-out of Burning Man by Viacom.
But before the weekend, I'd have to say the best night of radio was Tuesday.
Everything that happened on-air Tuesday was blessed. Here's a long section where I
blended various stuff together, including my
roomate's cat having sex, some three way
phone calls I recorded, some of my own music,
and Willy Wonka.
The long version of Lieutenant Gespacho's on-air mugging