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gam said:

Guru Redwan allows her silver aura to manifest for the Street Phreak.


SZQ said:

I heart my silver red.


richard said:


Justin Credible said:

Ilove the red in silver too!


richard said:


her said:

nice teeth


reese said:

gettin funkadelic on Haight Street


silverjunction said:

Get jig e wid it


bo said:

// there was a time one could go to a bar and forget what it was...prehaps invent a new self, try a new self on the a few masses. if those masses regect, it was bad. today i find that it is only the bar you choose.//


hulk said:


hulk said:

I get it now.The unknown is waiting for....


Anonymous Coward said:


chazr said:



Anonymous Coward said:


daddy-touched_me said:

get on da bus
and pay your fare


Anonymous Coward said:


jeeze said:


sklo said:

getting food for the mind


George Five said:

ohne worte !
Grandma lebst du noch ?


vivica said:

ugly ass


casandra said:

hippies suck


Anonymous said:


beamster said:

Alright,Where's my pop tart?!?!


jesus said:


jesus said:

bless you


fat pud said:


fat pud said:

will u marry me


Anonymous said:


Bill said:

show me ure tits


colminatrix said:

What's a nice girl like you doing in... about five minutes behind the back seat?



bowlworth said:

he macked the best minds
of my generation

screamin for a fix
of universal elation

but someone stole his transfer
going to the greyhound station

now his mind is running up
through differential equations

hey red, whazzupp??!?!?



richard said:

when's the next wrybread, dammitt???


zion-eye said:

"life is one big road
with lot's of signs,
let your inner light shine,
let your inner light shine
(relax your mind)..."


Invisible man said:

Let me know if you see her, I'm looking for my invisible woooaman


------- said:

/ / / /
/ / / / 0 m?
/ / /


trip fo freeks said:

On day in New Orleans, or was it Seussday, anyway what I'm triing to say is there's this juggler, juggling god and the devil and fire and water and all a sudden everything stops and all I can hear is slow circus music, and I notice I have no clothes on, only bodypaint and everyone is staring at me and giving me money, all talking but what are they saying??


silly said:






Tzigone said:

The blind have a gift some say
to see through what blocks sight

Perhaps you should kill off your eyes
in order to see the light.


0M3GA said:

Oh Dear Lord Not Again.


porkchop4 sho14 said:

heehe haha


Gold Finger said:

Man I hope i never get that fucking old. I certainly won't be painting me self silver but hey whatever takes your fancy


GaZeR said:

Versace me with it!


Toy Lit said:

Du Mi Nao


ponl said:



Chuck Greb said:

Vartec Telecom Sucks Balls! the Fucking Scumbags!! fucking Cunts Fuck Vartec Telecom


Chuck Greb said:

Vartec Telecom Sucks Balls! the Fucking Scumbags!! fucking Cunts Fuck Vartec Telecom


Jason Randall Heckathorn said:

Jeremy Morgan is a fucking asshole. Fuck him and messedup.net!!




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