(none yet) (none yet)




Sam and the Mexican police chatted for awhile trying to understand each other, and at some point it was decided that we should follow them to the police station.


One got on board The Buss,


and the other led the way in his police pickup truck with his lights flashing the whole way.  Some old gringo redneck who'd seen us passing earlier was gushing thumbs up to the police as he saw them escorting us away.  He couldn't have been happier.  The Cyberbuss makes people smile one way or another.




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just the mexican way...
no more no less.


boring...let see the hooters


Cool! You got a police escort! That gringo tosser was just jealous that he didn't have a Cyberbuss.



Oh goody!!! I smell a mexican prison story coming up .... I hope...I hope...








After snaking through the streets and leaving the pavement for the dirt roads, we arrived at the police station,


which looked like a medieval dungeon.

Wondering if the torture chamber is still active, we followed them in.


There's a European style courtyard inside, and behind that wooden wall to the right of center,


is the jail cell.


And the current inmate.




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Jim, is that you?


oh, shit!...


Hmmm... all of a sudden this isn't looking so great.


It's kinda inevitable really.






Click it.