(none yet) (none yet)




Inside there's no toilet, but one corner seems used for the purpose.


And the floor

must be a joy to sleep on.


Them that passed before us had left their mark on the walls.


I'm kicking myself for not scratching in "El Cyberbusso".




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Donde esta quaint sentiments now, gringo?


Or 'El Barto', just for the sake of the good ol' days.



mucho practice with the slosh bucket, I hope. Your gonna have make perfect now, squatti








In the office Dr. Malone was getting written up.  Their police equipment consisted of a CB radio, an old electric typewriter, and a lot of cop attitude.  This last they tried to use on us,


but true to Mexican form they smiled warmly at the slightest provocation. 


As did Dr. Malone.


Sam wasn't planning on scratching "El Cyberbusso" on that wall any time soon, but still they were detaining him until the damage estimate came back from the electrician.  To lighten things up a bit we brought Rina a pot cookie sandwich without telling her what kind of sandwich it was.   She took a big bite right in front of the cops, looked at it quizzically for a moment, then burst out laughing when she figured it out.




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Good time to break out the drugs. REEEEAALLL Smart !!!


Brilliant move....


Oh my God! That is just genius!
The funny thing is I doubt the cops would've minded. In fact you could well have ended up sharing it around!


Oh my God! That is just genius!
The funny thing is I doubt the cops would've minded. In fact you could well have ended up sharing it around!

(2nd time I've forgot my tag)








Wanting to help any way we could, Mabel, Roby and I found a nice shady bar to wait out the ordeal.


Besides, we had to research this "siesta" thing we'd heard so much about.


And we wanted to test the theory that tequila tastes better in Mexico.


It does, as do the limes.  Yes, we're always eager to do our part.




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I'm sure you were thanking corporate Mexico at about this time for their quality insurance product...


Just the kinda friends I want if I'm ever in a Mexican Jail.


Fucking Americans with money, time, and morality to spare. You will never understand Mexico, you idiots.


Sounds like someone need's a nap!!!


Well, they had limes there. So even if you had to hand them over at the border, it wasn't as if there was a big lime embargo down there or anything.

Lime amnesty. Scurvy-tastic.







Click it.