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So we met with the august immigration guy, who had the de rigeur bare cement walls and metal desk, and he declared with a decisive flourish that those of us without passports would not be allowed to pass.   Hmmmm.  Ryk and I didn't have passports....  So we did the logical thing:   we walked out of the office, boarded The Buss, and drove right through into Mexico.

American auto insurance doesn't cover us reckless souls who venture down south, so we had to buy a little extra insurance.   They didn't want to sell insurance to us on the grounds that we're a "bus", but Sammy sweet talked them into calling it a mobile home.


And then wham, we're in Mexico, and everything's different.  There are none of the familiar corporate presences, not even any of the familiar public works:  that's the main highway, suddenly a flash lake thanks to the morning's moderate storm.

Even the horses in Mexico are better endowed.



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Mex-Insur, just think about that...


well, even in the good ol USA they are les than axious to insure us busfolk...


If you meet the Buddha on the road, shoot him !


oh shit look at the horse


Bare cement walls and metal desks are THE FUTURE!

I'm telling you, Mexico is so the model country of the 21st Century. They're so forward-looking that they're not scared to give a horse statue a cock. A cock!


Not as big as mine though...






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