(none yet) (none yet)





And here's Roby-Red, demonstrating a Cyberbuss time-saving tactic:   instead of pulling over everytime nature not-so-gently calls, break out the Ol' Pissbucket.   In the first picture Roby demonstrates the ability to watch the passing scenery mid piss, and in the second we see how there's not much you can do when you're stuck on a pissbucket and someone pulls out a camera.

Ryk shows off the latest in pissbucket technology:  wrap yourself in a blanket, instant private booth.  He still got stage fright, a common pissbucket malady, surprise surprise.




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this is a better idea then the heiniken bottles and cans me and my mates use. (they tend to overflow and stuff)


nothing like having to physically pinch off the flow when that heineken bottle is full. Damn those short necks!!




West Marine has a toilet seat ring that fits the five gallon plastic bucket. A definite improvement in comfort.


nice ass!


is it the only pogues you
find to make good music


did you find many desert
in the morning in your


tinky winky and la la say it's in the red purse next to the depends


weather permitting, just piss right out the window


wow this is a really a trip


Man, I sure hope that Cyberbuss doesn't pass over any nasty bumps while Roby-Red enjoys the view...

That could be quite tragic.









Nothing much to do while we're driving except maybe curl up in a soft spot,


watch a little scenery,


maybe play with the cameras,

and I think everyone's anticipating Mexico.  I personally can't look at another insulting advertisement, can't listen to another corporate-chain radio station, and can't eat another over-salted over-oiled snackfood.   "Third World" here I come (sigh of relief).  So until tomorrow, from the Cyberbuss.........


Hasta luego.  Check back or we'll tell Roby-Red where you live.

So, until tomorrow..............



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Them wide-mouth 3 litre bottles soft drinks come in work well too.


we went to Mazatlan once and took along a deaf sheep dog, shit in the back seat before we could pull over - fun.




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