Even though I have 9 dollars to last 11 days . . . . Even though I haven't had a shower in at least a week . . . . Even though I ran out of toothpaste two days ago and counting . . . . Even though I have beach sand ground into my scalp . . . . Even though for some reason women look at me more when I look like this than when I'm trying to get them to look at me . . . . Even though I slept with a woman the other night and she told me "You might be a vegetarian but you taste like proscutto" . . . . Even though for some reason my short term memory is so bad I can't remember the line I was about to write . . . . Even though I lost my glasses on the beach at low tide and now they're sea glass somewhere so I can't see faces or anything at night . . . . Even though my gas gauge has read dead empty for the last 23.5 miles . . . . Even though sometimes my face feels like scowling but out here they yell at you for that . . . . Even though in New York they yell at you if you're not frowning, and sometimes I think I might prefer it that way . . . . Even though I feel something like a warm weight in my stomach . . . . Even though I can't find the guy who was going to tell me how to get food stamps and welfare . . . . Even though soon I'm going to have to go to my first soup kitchen . . . . Even though I have no drug problems but always seem to fall into the lifestyle of a junky . . . . Even though all my socks are so dirty they're getting a little hard . . . . Even though I always seem to be happier when I'm broke . . . . Even though I've been unplugged from the power grid so long even AM radio feels hyper as TV . . . . Even though I lie to my parents and tell them I'm staying in hotels . . . . Even though the Rainbow Gutter Dead Heads don't annoy me nearly as much when I'm broke too . . . . Even though I'm finding that by eating minimally I get an almost psychedelic clarity, but I know when I get money I'll be a glutton again . . . . Even though I have to laugh to myself when I pick through the garbage to find a newspaper so I can check my stocks . . . . Even though sometimes I get a mosquito in my car and he bites me all nite long . . . . I FEEL GREAT
And now . . . |
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