What if everybody lived in a bus? Imagine what the world would be like then.
So now a TWO story bus - - I've seen it all. THANKS!!!
sweet bus!
Would he be interested in time-sharing?
hmmm... no satellite dish.
It's a housebus, you silly!
Hey, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Check out
He has the awesomest housetrucks and house buses you've ever seen. Stained glass windows, woodwork, you gotta see it! That's what inspired me to buy my ugly bus. Someday, it will be great...someday.....
Living in a bus is cool. You never have to pack when you move. Annoying neighbors? Just drive away!! LOL
If you can't afford to buy a house, this totally rules. Buy some cheap acreage in the middle of nowhere, park your bus, instant house!
There is an alternative. Buy yourself a 30' or greater sailboat and set down your
anchor in a bay. No rent, no hassles (except the weather, which can be avoided
if you put down in someplace like La Paz, Baja California Sur.) All you need is
a working outboard for your dingey.
That's a good idea, except one thing--if your bus breaks down, worst thing that can happen is you get towed. Something happens to your boat, worst thing is everything you own could be at the bottom of the bay. Just a thought.
He is cute.
That's it. . . I'm buying a delivery truck, putting in a hybrid electric-alcohol motor, and making it look like that thing. Screw getting a job and a house and an income and food and all that worthless stuff.
Come on, this one's not that bad.....A fixer-upper :-0
i love 50s bread trucks
I think i'm in love with this vehicle, I want to kiss it all over in the dark.
I think i'm in love with this vehicle, I want to kiss it all over in the dark.
hey i saw this rad ass bus at the sierra nevada workd music fustival and was amased at how good the work was done on it...cool hous im jelous..
late-1940's Ford P-500 parcel delivery
I had a 30' sailboat for 4yrs in fl, the man started hasslin' us there too. Plus it's fucking hot and the jet-skiis and powerboats keep it a rockin'.
This is the most practical "homemade" one I have seen yet on this site. The person who stays in that probably doesn't care what others think about its looks. Fred
nice,to bad it isn't a Grumman
clean it up
Can the motor handle the weight of the wood? It IS a very nice effort.
As for the detractors, I see that this is a very sensible and sustainable living situation
Cool Project! Quite a cozy looking palace too... www.angelfire.com/mt/hobo said that!
not bad! it's the new 2003 'family truckster' for those families on the go.
It looks heavy, real heavy.
good stuff.
I love it! Im going mobile,,,just a hippy gypsy,,free
I used to live in a bus that looked like a watermelon on the outside and the inside was painted red with black watermelon seeds. Sadly, it was only a one story...
jesus nice fuckin bucket bro
i done just bought be a stepvan, and boy have i got some plans fer it
The owner of the bus is named J. R. "Bob" Dobbs and his personal homepage is at http://www.subgenius.com
hippies are the greatest people to ever live
Want to sell it?
Hey is this a greenpeace truck???
They must have cut the forests down to make it...
greenpeace can go to hell... i like concrete and buildings and money... yay money, screw greenpeace into the sloppy, puke infested earth.
you people just dont understand what greenpeace is all about.... it's about conning money out of the pathetic people of the planet earth through guilt and manipulation. Spending that money on Themselves and big cars that pollute the environment... Greenpeace is the biggest capitalist organisation in the world... A little respect please.
that's the best bus/homestead yet......but where's the garage?
yo, all i gotta say is, these GP people give a shit - hell yeah they're having fun, maybe they
re using a whole lot of petrol - but they've got a message and theyre getting it out there - theyre trying to make the world a better place. How about you?
Does anyone realize that no matter what we do or don't do to the enviroment, no one is getting out of here alive. Live peacably, do what you know is right and stop worrying about what everyone thinks.
Hippy's are cool, fuck everybody!!! WEED IS GOOD!
Sign this petition to make marijuana legal!
70t411y m4d 455 1337!
Is it custom?
Is it a hybrid?
Way to go man...
I am thinking of doing the same thing... I have a 73 camper van.
It is now my home. Thanks
12117 People have vanished from ther homes since sept 11 in the war on terror: They have been branded terroists, enemy combatants, meterial witnesses, or fust undesireable aliens most are in secreat jails with no access to lawers or the red cross, some have been intorrogated by the CIA and other secreat agencies useing stress and duress tactics others have been sent to be questuiones in countries whose regimes will put them to death. These people are subjected to no judical process, they do not know if they will be locked up for months, years or even decades, to their families they are the just missing.
12117 People have vanished from their homes since sept 11 in the war on terror: They have been branded terrorists, enemy combatants, material witnesses, or just undesirable aliens most are in secret jails with no access to lowers or the red cross, some have been interrogated by the CIA and other secret agencies using stress and duress tactics others have been sent to be questioned in countries whose regimes will put them to death. These people are subjected to no judicial process, they do not know if they will be locked up for months, years or even decades, to their families they are the just missing.
The Pentagon's rules for military trials of terrorism suspects including those being held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, deny them basic legal rights and fail to guarantee fair trials, human rights and legal activists said on Wednesday.
"The United States should ensure that those tried before military commissions receive trials that are a credit to American justice, not a stain on its history," the activist group Human Rights Watch said in a new report.
The Pentagon's rules for military trials of terrorism suspects including those being held at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, deny them basic legal rights and fail to guarantee fair trials, human rights .
"The United States should ensure that those tried before military commissions receive trials that are a credit to American justice, not a stain on its history,"
What shit is this man...We van dwellers never had rights
The poor never have had fair trials in the good old USA
Van dwellers are out of the system, we cannot easily be tracked, or spied on. We will survive the coming deep deflation that will sure to hit the US - The Great Economic Depression is coming
Sell all your assets, buy Gold and Silver in small coins, Bury most of it in secret locations along with some arms and ammunition (or transfer money to a safe Swiss bank) keep small silver coins with you. Live in a van that can run on bio diesel (rapeseed oil, vegetable oil, all diesel vans can with minor modifications). When the crunch comes avoid cities, find a location with clean water and cultivatable land. STASH SURVIVAL ESSENTIALS THERE – BUILD A NETWORK OF LIKE MINDED FRIENDS - GET USED TO VAN LIVING
I did a 10,000 mile trip in my 1989 Ford Conversion Van. For a female the worst part is crooked mechanics. I met loads of them. For a shower, truck stopsare good. Ask the truckers if they have any spare coupons they don't want for showers. They get them when they buy gas. Or you pay about $5 and get a towel and soap too. My van is named the Hypnobile as I'm a hypnotherapist. Will try and scan and launch the picture on your website. I parked outside of Mansions in Santa Barbara and in shopping centres in Beverly Hills. RV's can't get away with this but VANS can. The big house vans you have here are too conspicuous. I think the cops would cause problems. If you put a business sign on the van too it may stop the cops from checking you out. Also, Walmart is very van friendly. Josephine at presnt in Jacksonville, Fl. Love this website.