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The Greenpeace Bus.

Mobile home to the GreenPeaceNicks.

In repose by the beach in San Francisco.

Turn around, walk down the hall to the shadowy back of the bus,

pass the submarine style bunk beds,

and arrive at the Mobile Command Center

and startle the commander.  They're connected to the net by cellphone.
(Greenpeace:  welcome to wrybread.com)

Back in the lounge, wrybread played Dueling Digital Cameras with a GreenPeaceNick.  They were incredibly nice people of course, travelling around the country protesting the Tremendo Nets of the industrial fishing establishment. 

They even had an on-board micro-power radio station.  In San Francisco everybody loved them. 

But elsewhere it was a different story.  That hole in a side window was made by either a bullet or a BB.  On another occassion someone tried to set the bus on fire.

But they ain't scared.



I like the Greenpeace bus!


Hi Niaz!-Patrick H.


go greenpeace, peace out!


A bit ironic that these clowns are driving a gas-guzzling, pollution spewing totally energy- inefficient steel monster, n'est pas? But I guess the "rules don't apply to them" b/c they care.....


I used to work for Greenpeace...it got rid of so much of my guilt. Ifelt better about myself


LOL...5 miles per gallon, very environmentally conscious. We'll all be driving Yugos and getting "squashed beneath a produce truck" while they stretch out in their gas-guzzling eco-nazi bus preaching how we should outlaw the nice, safe big automobiles! ROFL


Just exactly what kind of millage does a twenty thousand pound bus get if it runs on "peace"


doing the math:

6 people in the bus, plus a radio station and sleeping quarters @ 5 MPG (the given estimate).

Figuring a honda civic getting 35 MPG, it would take two honda civics to carry the people, plus a third to pull the radio / communication equipment and a fourth to tow the trailer to sleep in.

That's 35/4 or 8.75 MPG. Oh, and then there's the maintenance on 4 vehicles instead of one and the time needed to set up and tear down all of the equipment in any trailers or packed in the cars.


Still, it's ok for them, but families in RVs are "gas hogs" and are increasingly persecuted by more and more laws. But that's ok, because to eco-nazis, they're doing something important, and no one else is.


I say, let's use up all the rest of the oil as fast as possible. Why pass the consequences of our consumption off onto another generation? When the oil is gone, so will most of the environmental destruction it causes. We won't stop until it's all gone anyway. (BTW, I drive an electric car, only to save $$$$!)


now oyu know were your donations go.


You have to break a few eggs to make an omlette.

Yes, they could drive around in an Insight carrying a couple of tents, but this attracts a lot of attention and gains publicity. Plus, they probably couldn't have a radio staion in a compact car, no matter what. Being Greenpeace, I trust them to have considered all the options.

And what's all this badmouthing environmetal activists? Some of them are wack but most are pretty cool people...


Say, isn't that bus power by that bad ol' fossil fuel? self serving hypocrits


The BusNerd speaks: That's an MC-9, gets 8-10 MPG, but it uses a two-stroke Detroit Diesel, which is pretty environemtally unfriendly as far as diesels go. Try walking up and saying "Say, have you upgraded that sucker to a 6v92 with DDEC, or are you still stinkin' up the atmosphere?"


Lay off of greenpeace. they power that mc-9 and that big old detroit with Bio Disel made out of recycled Resturant waste oil. (Resturaunt waste oil is considered Toxic Waste by the E.P.A.) (But the only way it is toxic, is if somebody smart like the greenpeace kids reuse it, and dont buy forign petrol, that was sucked out of the alaskan acrtic tundra, therefore, shrinking G. W. Bush's family bank accounts!)


fuck greenpeace, i hate 'em, hate 'em, hate 'em


fuckin' peaceniks




instead of protedting and causing trouble stop complaining and do somethin


greenpeace can kiss my big white ass cause i like urban if u dont like it suck my dick and go live in montana.


why did the link say honda civics
but it took me too this protesting shit


(note that the preceding 3 messages all came from the same person. god bless george bush and the new connotation of "protesting")


imagine being stuck on the bus with that hog oh the humanity


kill 'em...kill all the green peace, fucked in the head cunts


they fuck the air when they talk there bull shit


late-1970's MCI MC-9C


About energy use: any bus is gonna use less energy per pound cargo per mile than a plane...


For the true story of Greenpeace, see .

For the story of their friends see


For the true story of Greenpeace, see http://www.greenpiece.org.

For the story of their friends see http://www.earthfiends.org


Maybe it's bio-diesel? Or alcohol powered?

Read "Browns Alcohol Cookbook and make your AMERICAN pickup truck and AMERICAN Harley Davidson run on AMERICAN corn, just like real AMERICANS!


get bent


proceso de elaboracion del bio disel


Exactly what was greenpeace saying during the golf war or the war in Serbia and Afganistan? Something about the whales and the poor cute little pandas, while HUMAN BEINGS where being slaughtered..! FUCK greenpeace!!


they could be running on biodiesel


Greenpeice are gay


Green peace smell like poo They are peices of gay fuck cheeze


Yeh! But they can spell!


haven't they got anything better to do, rather than pollute the earth in their bus. what exactly is thier point?


Your all american fools, dont you understand that when the earth goes to hell you all go to hell. Fuck USA and Fuck Bush


greenpeace are new nazis that don't have a life and don't care. all they do is protest.


fuck greenpeace and their stupid hippie cocksucking followers. you liberal cunts!!!!

p.s. brazil sucks cock and europians are a bunch of stupidass socialist hippie fucks


these guys are the greatest!
better than those terrorist earth first creeps!


Do people actually think that if you are against greenpeace or earth first or any environmentalist wack-o group that you are FOR dirty water or dirty air? no one wants that but I say that we need to worry about a few other things first. I am sure they are very nice people and they mean well, but they dont have the slightest idea about the environment and they are just looking for a place that they hang out and not work.


how ironic, a big smoke belching,diesel guzzeling road hoggin,lane changin monster.
but by all means, save the fucking whales oh and dont forget to drive up to your tree-hugging protest in that big fuckin rv and protest how awfully nasty the quality of air is for those poor trees and forget to throw in acid rain.


Crazy Gone!




they obviosly like to go greyhound like i do in an MC-9.
great way to travel.
my greyhound is
from roswell
new mexico. i goes greyhound
everywhere i go
great way to travel.


fuck greenpeace


by the way,not all europeans are fucking hippie-socialist scum.im norwegian,from the land of the midnight sun,and greenpeace are a bunch of hippocrates,who only care about "how to get publicity" fuck'em,fuck'em all! --norwegian--









it's cool


fuck all you who hate greenpeace. i'm not FOR greenpeace, but all you're saying is fuck greenpeace. at least they stand for something. when the planet is destroyed all of you IMBECILES will be destroyed with it and will be left saying fuck greenpeace, fucking hippy faggots, oh shit, fuck ME!


hi i am doing a report on greenpeace at my school and i think your comment page is to graphic for young eyes


Why don't these tree-huggin' hypocritical motherfuckers get jobs? And why don't you bored motherfuckers get jobs, too? Buncha whiny bitches...


Let those little guys that are standing next to the "comments" heading GO TO THE BATHROOM!!


why try to stop a great cause. some people are so ignorant.


What a bunch of ass-munching, narrow-minded fuckfaces....


Tonight my weed got too close to a mink coat & set it on fire...Luckily I found a Raccoon & put it out.


Yet another demonstration of Greenpeace's inability to understand the problems the planet is facing. A more hypocritical organisation the world has never seen. Good to see the millions of dollars they generate is spent on endangered animal breeding programs or scientific study, no, they buy themselves a huge gas guzzler to cruise around town and "raise awareness/generate more money". Fucking hypocrites. The planet is better off without them.


Fuck Greenpeace
you miserable no good sons of bitches. You unhappy old hippies with no sense of personal hygene.
5 things for greens to do. 1. buy a 9mm gun, 2. kill fellow greens, 3. cut down and fuck 30 trees, 4. take shits in the ocean, and 5. kill your self or repeat 1-4 again for 50 times.


These Guys are almost as Goofy as the people sending them money.


i'm sure they probably run this bus on used chip fat/vegetable oil or some thing like that. you people complaining need to look into how these people actually run their opperations. we are just on the edge of a war about fossil fuels, religion and power, green peace are promoting something completly seperate from these long standing norms, and are concerntrating on things which might actually be relevent to keeping the planet here.fuck you mainstream gun loving americans, have you any idea how facist you sound. Im english and im going to pop off for a cup of tea and a fag[ which is a ciggerete in my world, as well as a batti boy.] after that i might sit down and think about how anoying your president is, hes like some cowboy in a john wayne movie. Anyway 'nuff cussing, im sure your lovely people.see you, tom


Warren and I were just sitting here thinking that first and foremost we have to kill all the pandas. They serve no purpose at all. Their loss would have no effect on any eco-system. Sure all you tree-huggers think they're cute. They're not! They're the terrors of the rice fields! All they do is eat, piss, and shit, and then roll around in it. They contribute nothing. The only thing I can see is that they must have fantastic PR people because they are essentially useless. Sounds a lot like Greenpeace, doesn't it?


Hi, it's us again. Warren and I were just discussing the fact that Greenpeace needs to be more militant. You know, so you can hunt down all the poachers who kill rhinos and bears etc just so the Chinese can make medicine out it. Yes, that's right. Kill the fucking poachers. Better yet, let's go right to the heart of this thing. Any Chinese medicine man selling rhino horns and tiger dicks gets his head blown away at point blank range. A ground up bear's gall bladder isn't gonna cure your headache. It's called fucking ASPIRIN. How do you say that in mandarin?


Not all Americans are red-necked goat fuckers. Just the right wing morons who found this site. Heyduke Lives.




Your red type makes reading the small type hard. If you make the type BOLD or change the background color it would help. I would like to be able to read what you have put down.

Marvin Dockery, Knoxville, TN.






Are you starving? I didn't think so. Quit your bullshit about genetic engineering. Let the millions of starving people in this world eat. Let them be happy and not have to worry if they will have a meal or if they will die because fucks like you say they can't have the food offered to them. All of genetics change naturally thoughout time and its fine for us to change it also. Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you greenpeace Fucks. If you want to save the world then help save the people and let them eat. I bet there isn't a single person in greenpeace that is starving. You are all a bunch of spoiled ass rotten fucks that think your changing the world but in reality are making it a far worse place to live. FUCK YOU FUCKING FUCKS


Hi, Waren and I are back again and we were just sitting here thinking that maybe God has given our Chinese friends SARS as a sort of wake up call to some of those folks for trying to make medicine out of anything on four legs. Instead of paying stupid white-trash crackers over here to kill North American Grizzly bears to make their dicks hard why not snag some fucking pandas in their own back yard? God knows those animals are useless anyway. And let's be honest here, why do they need crazy medcine to get their dicks hard anyway? There's a billion of you, fuckers. ENOUGH ALREADY.


Well anyway were just sitting here talking about the war in Iraq, Osama hiding out, Enron folding, the return of Goldberg, deep fried Twinkies, American Idol, saving the rainforest, racism, the pope, the DC sniper, George W. Bush, and Cuba Gooding Jr. and we came to the conclusion that EVERYBODY is fucked. Do you understand? Everybody is completely fucked. Except of course for Warren and I. Anyways....
Kill everyone.
Condone first degree murder.
Eat shit.

Peace out.


It just dawned on Warren and I that the Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse have been unleashed! Well anyway in this dark and unholy world that we currently inhabit we think we should reflect on the most significant and important thing in our Western culture: the Entertainment industry.

Richard Gere, wherever you are, just know that you are a talentless sack of shit. You are shallow and superficial and your fabrictated concern for Tibet doesn't fool anybody. Why not pick a cause that's not a popular flavor of the month? (I'm looking at you too, Bono)Save Tibet, where the fuck is Tibet? Why, so some crazy monks can continue wearing my mom's old curtains on a desolate mountain somewhere? Whatever. I believe there are actually people starving out there that can use help a lot more than the fucking millionare Dali Llama. Hey Dicky Gere in the swimming pool of Life you are in the shallow kiddie pool soaking in a toddler's piss.

Can you imagine the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences looking at the illustrious career of the talentless Cuba Gooding Jr. and thinking "Fuck, we gave an Oscar to that idiot." Isn't that one of the Horsemen of the Apocolypse? There's Death, War, Famine, and Cuba Gooding Jr winning an Oscar?

It's goddamn scary, that's what it is.

And big props go out to Sharon Stone. And people said the days of spreading your legs to the top were long over. Yeah right. I wish that lizard would have devoured both you and your donkey husband.

And while Warren and I have everyone's attention, or at least the 3 of you, we gotta wonder what the pope does all day? What is he hanging on for? Is he still lucid or does he think he's a Mormon plumber living in Utah and beating his kids with a rubber hose? I'm sure he's a swell guy and everything, but come on. Everybody knows the Freemasons really run the Holy Roman Mary on your dashboard for only $19.99 Catholic Church.

Well anyway Warren and I want to wish you all a pleasant Armegeddon.

PS: Isn't that Ice T a fine actor or what?


So anyway Warren and I were just sitting here waiting for James to show up. We're risking getting SARS and going for Vietnamese subs because Jamie's never tried them. Are they worth getting SARS and dying over? You bet your ass. And where the hell is Sean in all of this, huh? You don't feel so smart moving to fucking Atlanta now that we are going out and enjoying Vietnamese subs and occasionally going out to the Montreal Cafe for Organic coffee.

Oh look, I just got the attention of all the GreenPeace nazis who's eyes lit up when I mentioned the word 'organic'. Well don't get excited, we just drink it cause it's nice and close to us. In fact, I don't think we put near enough chemicals into our bodies. But anyway Sean, if you're out there, we were enjoying some fine organic Montreal coffee in the Rainforest the other day and we were thinking we wish you were there. We lit a fire and stared a small stampede of some stupid endangered animals (I forget which ones, aren't they all supposedly endangered now?)when it dawned on us "hey, we're in the rainforest! It's goddamn hot here and as pretty as it is we don't really NEED to burn down the rainforest. Well anyway you know how Jamie wants his coffee beans fresh roasted so we just ended up letting the fire continue to burn and diplaced some villagers. Well anyway, Sean next time you come for a visit Christine has a wonderful recipe for bottle-nose dolphin and condor eggs I really think you would enjoy. See you soon.


So anyway, Warren and I... ah f**k it. Warren isn't really here right now. I'm sure he's at home jerking off to old Laverne and Shirley reruns. James has taken the day off today and good for him, why not?

So as this bullshit in Iraq seems to be coming to an end we have to ask ourselves, what has really changed? Last time the US went in there and blew a few things up they couldn't find Saddam but it was still called a victory. This time they went in, blew shit up, and still can't find the Arab Tom Selleck. How is this a victory? Won't he just slink back in and start all over again, same as last time?

I'm all for getting rid of Saddam and supporting the troops and all that but I think we all know deep down that the supposed American intentions of going in there in the first place were all a load of shit anyway. Liberate the Iraqi people, yeah right. What a pile of shit. What about Kurds in Turkey and Iran? What about thousands of other people in tons of other places that are also oppressed? Give me a break.

And don't get me wrong because I certainly don't think any Kurds deserve any help at all from anyone. If you're so stupid that you can't even organize yourself as a single united force, that you're too busy fighting amoung yourselves to realize that 3 different countries now own your real estate, or you plot with carzy dictators to kill your own people, or you're dumb enough to get killed by falling famine relief boxes than you shouldn't be on this fucking panet anyway. The Kurds should be lumped in with pandas as a species too stupid to live. Save yourselves, you morons!


Ya, fuck you, it's me again and there's nothing you can do about it because some stupid hippies put there little bus web site up and were dumb enough to let assholes like me come along and post things at random. Waren is at home right now burning styrofoam cups and spraying CFCs from a faulty aerosol can. Do you hear that you drugged-out do-gooders in your Middle Eastern gas guzzling, massively polluting, poorly American-made pile of shit hippy bus?

So now the U.S. wants to pick a fight with Syria. Isn't that lovely. Listen I certainly have no problem with putting any Arab or Persian in their fucking places, let me tell you. But I think it's a big nmistake going in there and rousing up all those idiots in burning rage against the Western world. Don't the reatrded Americans realize the only thing from keeping the crazed camel warriors from running rampant across everything is the fact they barely trust each other? Is it really wise to give them a reason to come together and unite in some type of lunitic, gold-chain wearing, hairy chested, big nosed, Jew killing, frenzy? I think Bush is fucking crazy.

And before all you Mohammeds out there get excited and start saying I'm anti-Arab just shut up and listen for a second:

I like Donairs and falafels as much as the next person and I think the the US showing up in your back yard is a travesty. But what is it with you guys and the Jews? Fucking enough already. Don't pretend it's because you give a shit about the Palestinians because you don't. Nobody should.

Let's take a secons to inform some of our less informed crackers out there that the real reason the whole Middle East hates Isreal is because the Koran states that Allah has already dealt with the Jews. Also once an area is Moslem that it can never be given up. So that fact that Isreal exsists is a contradisction to their holy book. So don't try to fucking pretend that it's because of sympathy for the Palestinians. They don't want a tract of land to live in, they want ALL of it. And funny how in certain area the Arabs didn't give a shit about he land until the Jews made something out of it. 'We want it back, wah, wah, wah.'

And don't get me wrong, the Jews are no saints in all of this either. Instead of making clearly defined settlements 'this is yours, this is ours' they have pockets of settlements all over the fucking place. Just draw a fucking line in the sand. Half for them, half for you. Stop trying to drive into the middle of their areas and trying to set up shop. No wonder their pissed at you.

Oh yeah, we all you know that both sides say they have a holy claim to be there in that land, blah, blah, blah. Well you know what? I bet the Natives think they have a holy claim to North America, or that the aboriginies have a holy claim to Australia, or the Mexicans have a holy claim on Texas, or that the Scots have a holy claim to Scotland from the English. It's fucking 2003, you assholes. Grow up, this is the world we live in. Everyone is really sorry that you can't have your own little hunk of sand to piss on and call your own. Deal with it.

Sorry if I sound insensitive. I don't mean to. I'm going to go right now and gut some blue whales and fuck a bald eagle.


Warren and I were thinking, and I assume I can speak for Warren here because I always do, is that astronauts are not heros. A while back when another fucking space shuttle blew up the press was plucking our heart strings saying how the astronauts were all a bunch of heros. A bull rider being trampled by a bull is not a hero. He's someone who took a calcualted risk getting on an animal. Sure I think he's a jackass and deserves to be gored to death, but that's not the point. The astronauts strapped themselves to 2 tons of liquid fuel and lit it on fire. Now granted I feel bad for them and their familes, but exploding off into space (ha ha) to test the effects of weightlessness on bumble bees or trying to grow bread mold in outer space does not classify you as a hero.

I apologize for my spelling mistakes here or in previous entries. I usually just type whatever comes into my head without proofing it.

And while I'm on the subject of heroes I'd like to also point out that Princess Di was not a hero either. Nor was she some kind of saint. Her showing up in burn units for photo-ops does not make her Mother Theresa. All of you cunts that shed tears for her after she was partied out and got into a vehicle with a drunken maniac behind the wheel and her spoiled millionare boyfriend was trying to put his hand under her skirt are all fucking morons.

I think Princess Di's last words were "Come on you bastard. This hunk of shit can go faster than this! I wanna go FASTER!!! Woo! Woo!"

Party on, Di.
Kill all the pandas.




all the stuff you do ia a shit


I like the color green. Its sort of like yellow, only its not because its green. But if you mix yellow with blue then it would be green. And so I also like yellow and blue. But only if they are mixed to make green. I can't think of anything else important to say. Bye.


Fuck Greenpeace ..throw mor uranium tipped cluster bombs on the camel drivers.. keep oil supplies open. long live Mcdonalds Burgers and the jerry springer show...Beware of the enemy within, protect homeland security ..camp x ray - camp delta...when does the first US citizen gain entry






Could they come for you - You will have no trial - You will not be told of the charges - you will never know when you will be realesed (If you do get released)


1200 detained, at least 484 still held in USA, Metropolitan detention centre in Brooklyn has 84 detainees. Passaic County Jail in New Jersy has 400. Plus secret sites. US Govt refuses to release identity of detainees. Inspector Genral of Department of Justice confirmed abuses reported by human rights groups regarding prolonged detention without any charge - denial of access to legal consul and excessive harsh conditions of confinement including lock down for at least 23 hours a day in handcuffs leg irons and hevy chains - a linit of one legal call per month no visiting rights


1200 detained, at least 484 still held in USA, Metropolitan detention centre in Brooklyn has 84 detainees. Passaic County Jail in New Jersy has 400. Plus secret sites. US Govt refuses to release identity of detainees. Inspector Genral of Department of Justice confirmed abuses reported by human rights groups regarding prolonged detention without any charge - denial of access to legal consul and excessive harsh conditions of confinement including lock down for at least 23 hours a day in handcuffs leg irons and hevy chains - a limit of one call per month no visiting rights. Most don't even know why they have been arrested




A US Citizen was arrested during the war in Afghanistan, reportedly after surrendering to the Northern Alliance. He was transferred to a secret location in the US in April 2002. He is being held without access to a lawyer or his family.

In January 2003, a US court upheld the government's right to designate a citizen as an "enemy combatant" and hold him or her indefinitely, without charge and the ability to see a lawyer. Part of the basis for the court's decision was an affidavit by a military bureaucrat indicating some detainees were a good intelligence resource for the government whose value would be lessened if they were given access to lawyers. The ruling dooms any US Citizen arrested under these rules to legal limbo unless the Supreme Court reverses it.

Other detainees have had access to lawyers denied, but this particular case makes the practice legal


Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him
....taken from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the UN Charter




Shhh... they’re listening


American and law enforcement agencies have already laid the foundations for a massive eavesdropping system capable of intercepting all mobile phones, Internet communications, fax messages and pagers throughout Europe. The plan, known as Enfopol 2003, has been drawn up in secret by agencies and justice officials as part of a strategy to create a “seamless” web of telecommunications surveillance that will one day cross all national boundaries–touching citizens everywhere.
The strategy obliges all ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and telephone networks to provide agencies with “real time, full time” access to all communications. All new communications media, including interactive cable television, will be required to do the same.


Whenever you talk on the phone, someone is listening - be it your country's national surveillance system, or an international system like ECHELON. Thus, never use the phone for confidential discussions unless you have prearranged some "code words" with your communications parterns that will leave Big Brother in the dark


If you call your friend and tell him about the latest movie where a Colombian Drug Dealer plans to Bomb The Government, this will almost certainly trigger one of these scanners, and a human being will retrieve the whole call and listen to it.


Imagine a technology intercepting anyone who is communicating via a satellite, simultaneously scanning for specific numbers and keywords - even able to recognise your voice. Imagine that same technology scanning not just phone calls but all your email messages, faxes, banking transactions, any form of data communication via satellite. That's Echelon


That capability at any time could be turned around on the American people and no America would have any privacy left. There would be no place to hide. If this government ever became a tyranny, the technological capacity that the intelligence community has given the government could enable it to impose total tyranny. There would be no way to fight back, because the most careful effort to combine together in resistance to the government, no matter how privately it was done, is within the reach of the government to know. Such is the capacity of this technology


It is truly a difficult thing to admit that America - land of the free and home of the brave - may be behind the largest surveillance effort in the history of mankind


Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." As power goes, it does not get any more absolute than ECHELON


Each and every one of us has something in our lives about which we are not proud, something we would like to keep others from finding out. Even the greatest of us, the leaders and the inspirational among us, have something to hide. Imagine the power of someone who can record those secrets and use them against us. This is the power our governments may now hold.


Echelon and post sept 11 means terror-mongering organizations such as Amnesty International and Christian Aid have now become regular targets of surveillance. The Echelon network means that any individual or organization which one of these countries deems dangerous to their interests can be watched, surveyed and studied with the cold, calculating efficiency of a computer. It means that you or I or anyone we know or don't know can be recorded as we speak or write to our friends, our colleagues, our loved ones, our employers, our enemies.
Viva Echelon our BIG BROTHER


Did you know that your telephone if on a ASDL/ISDN line can be activated “placed off hook” remotely and your live conversation listened to.
ADSL/ISDN has been made cheaply available for residential as well as business service. What is not widely known is that built in to the international CCITT protocol is the ability to take phones 'off hook' and listen into conversations occurring near the phone, without the user being aware that it is happening. This effectively means that a national dial up telephone tapping capacity is built into these systems from the start. ADSL is not limited to just allowing digital devices such as your PC to share the system with your existing telephone line. It also allows data originating from those devices to be shared with the eavesdroppers. Appropriately, this technology has been named "System X".


Live in a van (Do not have an address) No bank account, Use internet from Internet Cafes. Use Payphones, Move constantly. Do not register your van in your name, become invisible. Then you will be the few that escape.........


I wish I had stopped reading before I got to this greenfleece pus. I was enjoying this website.....I guess it just figures, "all good things must end".


I wish I had stopped reading this site before I got to this greenfleece pus. I was enjoying this website.....I guess it just figures, as they say "all good things must end".


Hello guys i really enjoyed your foto story and the web-design. Ok let´s increase the vocabulary , erase the self-repeating comments of those two or three mind-corrupted FOX TV addicts and i will send the link to all of my Greenpeace-activist friens.
Perhaps you could also add some irony (yüp i like that stuff) and we´ll have a good laugh... no kidding.
Stay heavy



Yeah god stress america, world´s most powerful banana -republic. Sorry folks the state of your beloved country is no better than that of the twin towers. What are the remains of worlds oldest democracy? free elections? freedom of speach? objective press coverage? ha! Better you all go to iraq, split up the baath-party into two, call them democrats and republicans and go on with free elections, same rights for all and so on. If it really works, hey, why not try the same again in Florida? But i guess your lovely president wouldnt really appreciate that very much. What´s up with you guys? Why didn´t you kill him already as you liked to do before? Because his kins (and himself?) are holding vast parts of media, oil and weapon industry and did succeed in explaining you that these are essential for your country´s economy? So why then are your government´s finances in such a sorry state? Perhaps because George is that keen on spending every dollar he drains off your pocket for daddys weapon-company and increasing the military-budget to over 400 000 000 000? Yeah man, but why not. So much money.... i guess you could corrupt every middle east dictator with only some percents of it but hey... then there would be nothing left for daddy... so ok sonny doenst care if your country´s dept´s get unaffordable while his fathers ass is getting fatter and fatter, family bush has no worries for the next ten generations and your country goes down like a rollercoaster.
ha and the best about it is, that the only thing you can do to prevent this is to elect another millionaire the next time... harharhar have fun watching it


Doing the math:

6 people in an average minivan with a popup camper(sleeping quarters) towed behind. 18 MPG instead of 5. If the micro radio station is so damn popular in SF leave it there 'cause the rest of us couldn't care less about your hipocracy. Save the planet,f**k the people who live on it. And remember the four civics you refer to have to meet emmision requirements that bus doesn't. Rationalization is a beautiful thing, ask any environmentalist.

P.S. If dolphins are so damn smart why do their dumb asses get caught in the nets





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