(none yet)


A big nice one.

All the deluxe live-ins have bikes stapped on one way or another.  Often with rope or wire.

You can just barely see the satellite dish against the cluttered background.  Also note the awning on the side.

Cute dogs.

It doesn't really come through in a picture, but those cute little golden retrievers are barking at me like rotweilers.  Dogs are the best security systems you can buy.



But then you're probably used to that by now.




wow. sex is good.


It's tough keeping up with the Joneses


Live simply so
that others may
simply live


I wana go inside!


How much you would spend to sleep with those doggies?


i wish i could afford a bus.


You can afford a bus. They're cheaper than you think.


Around here we call these thangs "Land Yaughts"!


My 30 foot 1972 Bedford PJK (Little Brother to the bus in The Italian Job) was nicked while I was seeing a mate in Exeter. The bastards had to fix the clutch to do it!
Got the insurance,though.


1960's Carpenter


awww shit... road trip across america... this is back in 89' with my mutt "skipper" we bought him off this Jewish fucker in Jersey. He sold him to us for a sixer of Pabst Blue Ribbon, a carton of Benson and Hedges, and a 5 gallon bucket of soiled condoms my grandpa had been saving to get "re-loaded" like a box of nine mils.


Do all female bus-ers look like dogs?


Did you take the little yellow bus to your special school ?


you gotta park this big sumbitch at yer local walmart if yu wanna make it authentic!


Who wants sex


Count me in. Meet you at the bus




keeping the dogs says it all!


that kind of bicyclehanger i`ll have in front of my toyota


wow, that`s what i call globetrotter




its wight deuc


used to live in a GMC suburban, converted to a funeral home casket hauler. it was great! nice solid hardwood floor for bonking with the mistress, and curtains already installed. [a nice rich purple velvet] the ONLY problem with it was the occasional ~groan~ coming from the back when i was driving it. I think it was haunted.......





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