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Another problem facing the vehicle denizen is cops.  There's some health code that says it's illegal to sleep in a vehicle, and from time to time it's enforced, and so in the middle of your nice sleep comes a violent cop knock in the night.   I talked to one guy living in a massive RV, and he gets cop knocks all the time because he parks in a spot that cops don't want people parking.   But his strategy is to wait the cop out, since if the cop can't see him behind the blackout curtains, he can't give him a ticket.  The problem is that cops know that moisture on windows means a person is inside, so they will bang hard, which is shockingly loud when you've been sleeping in your quiet vehicle for a few hours.  It's like being inside a drum.  But this guy said he just waits until they go away.  The funniest part:  he wants to install plexiglass shields over the windows so the cops don't break the glass when they bang. 

If the cops catch you they usually only give you a warning after which you can groggily drive away, but sometimes they'll give you a citation, which is a pain the rump as you have to go to court.


But in San Francisco and much of the west coast they rarely enforce that damn law, so people are for the most part free to live in crazy vehicles like this one.


"Welcome Home" and "We Love You" are slogans of the "Rainbow Family" (Rainbow Gathering stuff).  The hard core "Rainbow" types liken themselves to an indian tribe travelling the country and from time to time convening in national parks.  (Click here for some words I wrote at a Rainbow Gathering).



God Bless Sand Francisco


rainbow rules!


The thing is....
NOT to attract
to much attention
to the exterior
of the vehicle


WOW, a tie-die bus.


has anyone seen snakemeat lately?


Since everything in life is but an experience perfect in being what it is, having nothing to do with good or bad, acceptance or rejection, one may well burst out in laughter! Long Chen Pa


It looks like there's a big dead longhorn slung up there on the roof ...


i grabbed a cops flashlight once when i was sleeping in my 81 grand prix he didnt like it much but i bet he never stuck that thing in the face of another sleeping man again by the look on his face he needed to wipe.


This van is fucking awesome!! It's my dream van! I hate the ones that are all shitty with no colour or pictures on them...people should decorate their "homes"...unless living simply is the whole point...


Lots of Hippy Lingo scrawled on the side of your rig = cops harrassing you because you are not a normal, boreing, citizen. Some people can deal with cops, some cant. Guess it is up to the person living in the machine that makes the choice.

Smugling, It's not just a Job. It's an Adventure!

(how do you think I get money to make BioDeisel?)


whats at the other end of the rainbow...a pot of shit?


bus village is home space


the nationals are officially held the first week in july, of course many come weeks in advance and stay for weeks afterward


crack it's not just for breakfast anymore


1971-'77 Dodge Tradesman


i think i saw and ass in there.


i think i saw an ass in there.


I saw no donkey.

I saw no donkey.


To be "Stealthy", I prefer plain on exterior & funky on the interior.


Any suggestions on setting up a computer in a bus? Our bus is stationary and has access to electricity. We plan to live in the bus while we build a house. I need the computer set up for my online business. Thanks!


damn hippies!


tell me this van doesnt scream HEY FUCK WITH ME IM A HIPPIE! this moron forgot one other little slogan: pound hard and only at night with a big fuckin flashlight oh, and dont forget the camera!


what a lovely shade of yellow


earl shieb rules




C'mon get happyyy, come on get happyyyy--Partridge Family


I am the best




fuck dude


get a job you lazy cunt




Do you know where your daughter is right now?


used to live in a GMC suburban, converted to a funeral home casket hauler. it was great! nice solid hardwood floor for bonking with the mistress, and curtains already installed. [a nice rich purple velvet] the ONLY problem with it was the occasional ~groan~ coming from the back when i was driving it. I think it was haunted.......


Damn SUV's at least I have something to read..


I haven't seen so many colors since I gave up fryin' in the 60's





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