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Wake up, morning, 6:15, they let us sleep late because of the long satsang last night. It's still dark, that coldest part of the night right before sunrise.

It just struck me that the ideal they're pushing is the same as in the Kurt Vonnegut book I just read, Deadeye Dick, which is that we return to a state of "undifferentiated wisps of nothingness". The world makes us take on this elaborate from, and be all adult and responsible and distinct, when in fact we're just amalgams of chemicals and energy, nothing you couldn't buy in a chemistry store for under twenty bucks.

But still we try and push for uniqueness, valuing a unique take on things, a unique smile and look, a unique job. We're individuals, as differentiated as possible. But maybe we'd be happiest undifferentiating ourselves. Go back to being just a wisp. Wake with or before the sun, then be occupied all day with the same tasks as everyone else, and don't worry, no one will call on you to show a personality. You can just wisp around all the livelong day.



Previous Contributions:




wait, stop there, young man i think you've got it all backwards! do like marcel marceau, and it will all be clear


I have the same ambivalence about spiritul stuff ~ wanting it, but being repulsed by the true believers I find there. But here's a good other place to check out ~ different flavor, but really fine & tolerant with lots of color: St. Gregories of Nyssa on Potrero Hill.


i think you're pondering a seed.


Ahh but that ego and it's many disguises .. It has been said that the EGO wants to be present at it's own funeral..

True realization and "enlightenment" is for a fortunate few who obviously have commited to the relentless and rigorous life of back breaking work.. Fortunately in this practice Yoga will keep one's back from breaking.. And you have already attested to that.. So Off the lazy-boy and back on your lotus I say..!


"Om!" he uttered to himself. "Om!" And knew about Brahma, knew about the indestructibility of life, knew again about all the godliness he had forgotten.


"...we're just amalgams of chemicals and energy, nothing you couldn't buy in a chemistry store for under twenty bucks." Counterpoint: What is the difference between soot and diamond?
