do those words tickle when they run across yer lovely pink nippy?
that's incredible!
when do we get a multiplayer version?
This is the funniest thing in the whole wide world. It is very hard for me to concentrate on the acutal game of pong with all the background distractions. Wrybread=Flash Wizard. Justin=Goddess
Sometime... people got Cobra... and sometime... people got pong... and sometime... people got camera... and sometime... people got their nip on... and sometimes... people's nip go off... and sometime... geese get loose... and sometime... it all in the same boat rockin it till it can't/won't stop. Right?
I've benn playing this for 3 days now, and havnt seen any beaver...any cheats?
one of the more frustrating video games i hsave played, but mor rewarding in the end...
hmmm... it gets hard fast with this game, eh?
i've downloaded flash and installed it, but when i reopen the pong game, the window still says i need to download it. what should i do?