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On like day 3 of our week-long stay Zorbakahn arrived. He's the one who fathered Justin, if you can believe such a feat was possible. That's him on the right, I mean left. If you have hi-bandwidth you can get your multimedia on by listening to a conversation between Zorbakahn and Justin way back on the very first ever episode of Honey Pot Radio. Notice that he's sneakily pointing his camera at me.  


Here's the pic he took.  


Why can't I see Zorbakahn? I can see everybody else including the optical illusion of Mabel inside of Mabel inside of Mabel. There's a little Mabel in all of us busting to come out.




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Here's his van, named Mabel. Hmm, this might cause some confusion.  



Here's Mabel inside Mabel.  


(none yet, yo)



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And here's Henri, Justin and me inside Lester. It's amazing how good a little shade and soft surfaces feel after a few days in the desert.  



Lester was just full of soft surfaces.  




You all look soft to me.




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Another shot of our camp, looking pretty rubble-ish. Note the two solar panels, one on Mabel's roof and one on the sand: as well as keeping Baby spinning, they kept our camp in as much power as we needed, and I'm talking about lights and music all night if we wanted, and music all day. And with 2 panels it was overkill. Both panels happen to be the same Siemens 75 watt models, which I highly recommend. If you're into desert camping, you must must must get a solar panel. You should probably get one anyway. If you want some help getting started with solar, shoot me an email.  


Can you make ice with solar?


you can make ice with me if i can make heat with you baby...you guessed it, solar




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