Spreading The Gospel...

M made these two fantastic posters, the updated Jesus fish and the Jesus portrait behind the ladder. Here a piece in Clarion Alley that's been stalled for way too long is getting an update.


A view in the day:


Another fun wall in the Mission with new contributions:


Uh oh, someone did a Chronicle box:


And a dumpster too? Now that's low. A funny thing about putting these on: while the posters were being applied the frickin garbage truck pulls up... Crap, of all the timing. The guy said "hey I wouldn't do that if I were you", it sounded like a threat, but it turns out he just meant because of all the piss on it. As if it wasn't already obvious there was lots of piss around.


Couldn't resist modifying the "Just Cause":


And how could this not be updated?


And these damn iPod ads are just everywhere, so they had to be twisted a little bit:


A closer look:


Ipod + Jesus + a little subversion = beautiful pop art.


Whoops, by the next morning someone had already re-mastered Jesus:


The whole damn row, hmm:


So I look up after taking that picture and this woman is taking my picture with her cellphone. Then I notice the guy getting out of the van behind her has a reflective vest on, and one much snazzier than the one those people in the above pics were using. What could I do? I took her picture right back:


I asked why she was taking my picture, and she said super pissed off, "you the one who put those posters up?" I of course said no but wasn't really trying to deny it, more trying not to admit it outright.


The guy in the reflective vest comes over and tells her to take a picture of my license plate, which she does, and then they notice the Jesus fish on the back of Herman, d'oh! The guy starts going "you're in big trouble buddy, big ticket" and all that. Who knows, hopefully it'll all blow over.


Note to self: next time I'm using Herman as a work surface for something less-than-legal, resist the temptation to take souvenirs...


Here's Herman in work mode. I just love the way the ladder fits right in there, but note the Jesus fish behind it.


But does ET look worried? I think not.


What I learned:

- don't put the poster on the getaway car

- if you go back the next day to take pictures, don't look proud of your work

- maybe put the posters up with a material that's a bit easier to remove. I have to admit I was bummed that those workers looked so pissed off after trying so hard to remove the posters that would only tear away a tiny piece at a time. The Billboard Liberation Front, for example, alters things using materials that are super easy to remove, and they always leave a 6-pack for the people who have to do the work. Nice touch.








