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The 10-hour drive from San Francisco to the Black Rock desert was a blast as usual: our 3-car convoy was connected by CB, and Red held court with Radio Red, taking call-ins from other vehicles or, failing that, from herself. She also had one of those magnetic flashing police lights on her roof the whole drive, and she'd play little charging songs on her trumpet whenever we'd stop. But oh well, no pics until this one, when we were unpacking on a mercifully temperate day on the playa:


You people are freaks! Why did it take you 10 hours from da city? 3 hour stop at SuperK in Reno?


That, dear ePip, is a question about Van Glorious speed. Definitely a bit faster than the Cyberbuss, she's still slower than Bert and the Rykshaw. PLUS, we left SF at 5pm. DUH.


Love the Floating New Moonie on the title page.


com on i want 2 c some tits-D dave


German technology goes traveling to the desert...yeah!


wait till I get you running a diesel on vegetable oil! you think you're slow now!...


Hey you look really like modern cowboys


Westfalias are so cool...
Why oh why did I let the rental co. upgrade us from a Westfalia to a 25' RV? 7 mpg, 50mph if we don't want to overheat, toilet and shower... OH! That's why!

Fuck, I hope it doesn't rain too much. But I'll bring 50' of cardboard anyway.



It's a good thing that van wasn't the one who passed me on the way home on Sunday... That cow would have still been in my way!!! (ambulance driver nicely took care of the cow on the road- I'm still wondering what happened to the poor guy in the ambulance?) -dusster


you were the guys that were secretly pickleing mass cucumbers in the back of Miss VG. I knew I recognised you.


wadda fuck?


Dave is a PIG!


uhrgbwerghberjhbgekjrhbguergbnerg-Ivan Ivanovich


quit farting, you keep blowing the top off the bus


uhh hey ma' you really think we can make it to san-fran-sico in this piece of crap


say it!



Uhhh... this is a strange site.
I feel funny.


its very gay.


Try www.midnighttokers.org - don't forget, is .ORG!!! Long live the .org's.


what the heck is that on top of that van?!?!?!?!?!?



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Or at least it was temperate until the wind kicked up, which was great for keeping us cool while we built our shade structure, but it would have made the process impossible if we didn't have this whiz-bang store-bought shade. It was from some sort of flea market surplus, and I couldn't recommend it more. Windstorm and all, it was up in under 15 minutes.


It looks like it would blow over with the slighest gust. How was it anchored?


Rebar, dur.
(don't feel bad, before this trip, I didn't know what it was either)


how you arrange for the coffee



how you arrange for the coffee



thank goodness for the windstorm....someone has bad gas!

libby : )


thank goodness for the windstorm....someone has bad gas!

libby : )


i laid out the tarp so i could keep my dick in the shade.


its the most gayest thing in the world and so is the maker



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Here's another view of our camp. To give an idea of how windy it was, that tent in the foreground is usually a round dome. And the wind wasn't taking any breaks, even to gust: it was blowing in a mono-howl, a completely steady stream. And it would shift and pick up amazingly quickly, and blow away anything not tied down, so everywhere were people chasing this or that across the playa. And of course whatever you were chasing always managed to stay exactly one step ahead of you, no matter how fast you ran.


Nice picture :)


If you stare real hard at the upper left corner -you can see mars!


If you stare real hard at the upper left corner -you can see mars!


If you stare really hard at the bottom right corner, you might see an ant doing yoga!


i want a pic of people chasing this and thats! t'


Yeah it is really windy


It will never fly: The wings are too shory...


Watch out for the Giant Earth Worms


If you stare real hard you will get a headache.Pete


Seems like it was really windy!



That's where I need to be right now!! Instead of here in Babylon...




Aiii, shiver me timber!



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Windy or not, relaxation is a must. Here's Mabel aka Jack aka Mabelicious aka Mabedola and Red putting our shade structure to good use.


i had thought there was some sort of quiet kind of secret life to myself out there. i was hyper aware of it...... that place where no one really knows who you are and sometimes you get an exhilarating satisfaction from your own privacy. that's one place to thrive on, but there's another place and it's much more lively. and that's the place where i saw RED. out on the playa, she was magnificent, well... she always is, but on the playa, she seemed even more outwardly so.


What privacy? It looks like wryhead was everywhere with his digi-cam.


YES!!!! pictures of Mabel's upper torso devoid of any clothing!!


Have you ever thought of callin these selections of photos Radioactive Diarhea. Trademark
Keith World Dominator


AUG! My name is Hopi.


Erin put your top back on right now young lady !!!



Erin put your top back on right now young lady !!!






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Red also managed to find a use for her swimming pool and cello.




Ok, back to real stuff. I need to say I was pretty happy meeting Red.. Whenever I run into one of those people who are at their core, forces of nature, I get to seeing that piece of everyone else. Watching Red paint at sunrise made me fall in love with everyone. So fucking thanks Red for turning me into some freako HIPPY!
*twitch* -donm


You must add some water, anyhow excellent idea



Hey! you forgot to tie down the cello and now it's a playa-ing "blowin' in the wind"


There's always room for cello...


red's found her boat...


by the way-happy belated birthday,moonie!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Need to bring one





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