Ye Instructions

Craigslist Tracker

This tracks how many hits your Craigslist ad has gotten. Put this line anywhere in your Craigslist ad:

<img src =>

Change the word SOMETHING to some unique word, with no spaces or punctuation.

Then to track the hits go here, and enter that unique word:

The E mail-Izer

In theory this tells you when someone has read your email. The problem is it works by displaying an image in the email, and some email clients like Gmail block that by default. But it works pretty often, and is hilarious when it does.

To use, compose your email from this page.









Send an email and put some unique keyword in the "keyword" field below, then go to the Tracker Page to see if the person has read it yet. Also gives you information about them, like what their IP address is (which is trackable to them), what email program they're using, etc. Because we're extra snazzbo.

From email:  
From name: (optional)  
Keyword: (if blank will be random)  
Would you like to be emailed when they read the email?  
Send reminder email to yourself? (Has your keyword and a link to check it)  
