Dear kitty Blue sometimes my head expands and contracts just like your head
does when an episode is loading....
Dear Kitty Blue,
I dannot believe you would enCOURAGE NUDITY, the expression and absolute full-body
exposure of a NAKED MAN!!!! That is so against my SOUTHEN mores that I find
it hard to resist, I mean, reject.
Thank you, Esther
Dear Kitty Blue Creator,
And the entire universal audience, as someone who actually KNOWS the dog in
previous episodes, you have done a FABULOUS job of recreating he personality
AND looks. I admire your wit, your wisdom, your artistic skills, your intellect,
interest and intraspecies intelligence. Thank you, A Friends In the SOUTH (hint-hint)
i love you
kitty blue
faith in blue!
Kay, what is your life like these days? Your messages were erased without the
tel # written down. Hope you are well.----john
Who the hell is Kitty Blue?
i love you kitty blue
i really do!
love pilar
oooooooooohhhhhhhhh, how i long to see my kay kat---wheres kay?????? meow meow
meow---watchin la kitty bleu in virginia yo---i want to come and create kitty
blue episodes with da freaks in point arena when i get back-yehaw well have
a ho down
purr purrrrrr purr
Oh Kitty! La pluie n'arrete pas! Merci pour le gateau chocolat!
Yippeee Coyote
Kitty, you pretty. I wuv woo.
i lubb the color blue. i lubb kitty. i lubb you
Dear K.B I lked your old episode chooser ... Better. but I still love you kitty
hey kitty!!!
kitty blu i hate u
Sam, what is up?????
My name is Kitty Bleu too... but I don't spell it like you
Why not Kitty Red?
yo blue howz u? u little freak yn am i so baleake?
Hello, i have a cat who is black and white.
I just met you today, Kitty Blue, and I would like to know some of your history.
How can I hear your old stories? Mo
to see other episodes, simply press the kitty blue episode chooser located directly
below the cartoon (yellow button)
freedom to the blody cat
stop making that noise
Kitty Blue... Eres la vida y sus preguntas... Y a veces solo sus preguntas...
Y a veces... sus preguntas...
Babelfish translation: You are the life and its questions... And sometimes
only its questions... And sometimes... its questions.
It's nice to know that Kitty Blue never lost faith. M.
hello blue cat
Glut kitty blue
huh??? kitty blue is sooo cute!! awww!
hey kitty blue!! how ya doin!! you're way cool!!! -xxx- chaz
halo nama saya kitty blue
who are you
oh how strange and enjoyable this episode of the bests... i liked the fact that it was narrarated....smashing music..sounds like it had a few clips from the exorcist in it....did it not? poor KB im so sorry your journey through life has taken such a route....i pity you and wish i could be of assistance...but yet i cannot.....there doesent seem to be very many intelligent people wanting to talk to Kb about this episode....yet kb complains NOT.....i hear people speaking of this *kay* often if she is in some way responsible for my love Kb i would like to thank her from the depts of my shallow soul for a preacious kitty blue i cant relate to.......stay blue.....stay true...with love