I liked it way better than Cats !
i think i've told EVERYONE about the sweetest kitty on the block, but just in case i missed someone, you all had better pass it along too...
I love this cat so much!!! its sooo adorable!!!
I DON'T WANT KITTY BLUE TO BE RED!!!! KITTY BLUE MUST BE BLUE!!! but i'm only on epsode # 25, hope she colors herself blue again!!
you need a pose play stop buttons
yea yea the cats ok
even the guy with the wiggly wewe is kewl yo
but the music
oh the music
on that last one
1,005 i think it is
must be the work of a god
hello kitty blue! how are you? we love you! and we like writing to blue cats that have anything to do with jump, little children. because little children like to jump. and they taste yummy too. but we love them all the same... yes yes we do.
carlyn and aden
That whole Bleu Kat universe is a far out adventure! Props for introducing me.
Hoam Lone
allo kitty blue!!! moi mon dieu sera tjrs hello kitty !! youre a mistake
Kitty Blue should get a new friend called Repack.
Kevin and Maddy say Kitty Blue rules!
hello kitty blue. how are you? that rhymed.
what is the meaning of life?
Send me a phone number where you can be reached. My friend whos husband works at the Cartoon Network is asking for it.
thats some damn fine pussy!!!
thats some damn fine pussy!!!
kuel site
Hi kitty blue!I love cats,and the color blue!
Why does Red Kitty smoke?Kitty Blue,I think you shoud dump his A$$!
Kitty Blue,you rock!I think you can do better than Red Kitty,though.
Kitty Blue,you rock!I think you can do better than Red Kitty,though.Maybe there should be a green kitty.
kitty blue, you're Wierd!!!!
it's very very strange!
Alise,are you there?
kay - what is your web address? Roberta
hi kitty blue
hi' whats up?
Hello, How is your day?
i am totally hooked on Kitty Blue
hi sweetie how are you today love bill kitty email me nono2626@aol.com
i love you kitty blue!
I'm OD'ed on kitty blue...
oh.. my..
more? how much ...
Orgasmic Sushi? What a nice strange imagination you have! Ken, fron NC
i love you
what is this evil site??
ur gay
kiss me
how does the universe work?
in the next epsode could kitty blue start a war with the marshons.
who am i?
what are you?
Kitty Blue Rocks! I love the music and the twisted story lines
Have a great day.