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 LoveSphere 3



whose skull is that?

dj cruz missile

dj cruz missile

Julie Andrews, Judith Krantz and Judith Butler walk into a bar.  Julie Andrews says, "I'll have a Wet German."  Judith Krantz says, "Do they swerve Wet Germans here?"  Judith Butler says, "That's not funny!"

Quotations are perfect for collectors of meaningless generalities.  You are Here.  And its nice to meet you from inside the four cornered room to the five cornered globe.  Only in Purgatory are we chattin with each other.  In Hell all they do is talk at you and in Heaven they just too damn happy!  Here the aether is all call and response: surfside ragas for the psychic AM receiver stolen from thrift shops, sidewalks, friends, lovers, lumbering RVs, accidents, mistakes, moonshots, missionaries, mirrors, mercenaries, Marilyn Monroe impersonators, marionettes, marmalade, jellied slime, joyous laughs, backbeat breaks, earth quakes, whirling dervishes, big blunts, sewer smells, all soldiers waging peace and forties from the corner bodega drunk on the flight deck of The Beautiful Flying Machine.

Begged, borrowed and stolen?  Yeah!  Gotta problem with it?  Big respect to all of those who stood still long enough for us to pick their pockets.  I guess we owe you one.

Or maybe it's all just some sinister CIA plot.

Floats from the Undersound

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