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           Katherine Chronis

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She mysteriously appeared in the Lovesphere, tired from work, but still ready to give hell with the best in Hell, in the Church of Holy Wrestlers, where she defeated all comers and then wrestled herself into submission.

You can see Chronis at Surf Reality, Reverend Jen's Anti-Slam at Collective, or at a street corner near you.  She is currently working on a documentary on street performance.

Originally from Chicago, of Greek immigrant parents, Chronis grew up in the slums and started performing by jumping out of third story windows.  Still a daredevil, her brinksmanship is now more of a mental nature.  Also known as the Love Angel, Eros incarnate, she hides her chthonic nature under a pleasant exterior.  But her identification with the Saturnine power of time also gives her the power to destroy.

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