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The Gametones at the Citizen One CD Release Party

Mystic Marianna

The Gametones are a completely improvisational group. 
This extends to our costuming.
On this occasion Marianna astounded me with the
totally alien presence
that she manifested for the Citizen One record release party.

Vermeer on the Bowery

Though it does not show very well in these images
taken from a video of the event,
she is wearing a yarmulke,
and her head is closely shaved except for a set of
Chassidic style tallus curling down in front of her ears.

Watch Out!

Her body is painted blue
and she is wearing a red fake furry bikini bottom. 
On her chest is a roughly painted cross. 
Marianna was fully in this character,
and she had an extremely serious demeanor. 
Slowly, meditatively she approached the stage
lit by the candles she held aloft and then
attacked the Gamegongs with ferocity. 
Where this all came from I never inquired,
but it was an impressive spectacle


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