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Gary Heidt is a literary agent with the Imprint Agency, representing the Church of the Subgenius, David Carson, Charles Yu, and many other fine writers.
Gary Heidt's poetry has been published in The Lost and Found Times, Private Arts, and Steve Dalachinsky's anthology The Intervalllllists, Poetry by Musicians.
With Gary Miles, Nathan Metz, and a cast of thousands, he helped to create a trilogy of absurd musical comedies that included The Golden Spiral, The Feng Shui Assassin, and American Eyeball. Heidt also wrote the libretto for three operas by Evan Hause, The Birth and Theft of Television, Nightingale: The Last Days of James Forrestal, and Man: The Biology of a Fall.
Gary Heidt has played in many bands. Devil Donkey in Houston in the 80's, the Mammals of Zod, Gland, Group 23, Avabatauan, Strangeburger, the Executioners of Excellence, genERAlhoSPItal, and Fist of Kindness are but a few of the groups he worked with. He's proud to have performed with such great musicians as Daniel Carter, Jackson Krall, Sabir Mateen, M, Michael "Gametone" Natale and CitiZen One. He has performed at venues such as ABC No Rio, CBGB's, the Cooler, the Knitting Factory, Lincoln Center, and the Manhattan Center.
Heidt also served as an administrator / curator / janitor for Theater for the New City, Medicine Show, and the Museum of Sound Recording, as well as Station Manager of WKCR-FM.
Gary Heidt at the Mammals tape release gig
at the Sidewalk Cafe, NYC. 1/3/99