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In the Fall of '97 I got a call from Citizen One
(a fellow Gametone)
saying that someone had thrown out a pair of drums
outside of his apartment . 
I went running over and  luckily they were still there. 
They were gooped up with duct tape and grime,
but the hardware and heads were intact. 
I like drums and the Gametones had needed a good set for the sonic mix,
but I am a vegetarian and had always felt a bit conflicted
about using animal skins. 
Prior to this I had made a set of Gamedrums using cotton cloth
painted with liquid latex for their heads.  
They had a unique resonance that was good for
intimate performance and recording,
but were too quiet for most circumstances.

These drums have standard plastic heads that I've Gamefied
by painting their inside surface with liquid latex. 
This has given them an amazingly deep booming tone
that I think is unique for drums this size. 
I am very well pleased.

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how did you make the instruments? from what kind if materials or stores did they come from?


We are high school students in Science Olympiad. How can we make these drums?


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