really cool sounds man! :-)
sweet dude!********************** oh, man! where did you get this idea?!
i think that these are some of the most interesting inventions i've seen. And
to be able to play them? dude, you're more than generous! thanx!
This one is very cool, Michael.
When you play, "Think of One" - T. Monk
i cant play shit
Wow! Loved it. What's the tuning?
It's tuning is purely internal, that is to itself. It was determined by how
one note sounded when played against all the others. It's what my ears, brain
and hacksaw agreed on at that particular juncture in time. If a studious soul
wants to sit down at a piano or tuner and figure out what scale, or lack of
scale it is, I'd love to hear about it.
Mike Natale
this was fun i loved it :)
WOW I want one
i love the sound but can't play.
you truly are musicians.....and what better way to help change how music will
sound, but by actually inventing, and crafting beautifully sounding new ambiances...keep
riding the crest of the wave...stephen.
Thanks Stephen,
I appreciate the kind thoughts. Glad you enjoyed it.
Okinawa! This is very genius!
So what is the sound box made out of? I love the sound, it's beautiful!
The body of the chimes is made of Styrofoam found on the street, left over from packing some unknown product. Read more
here. Mike
Totally awsome!
Very very creative. Love it!!!
This a nice instument
This is the weirdest instument ever
what do you mean?
great site
I found your site while looking for Gamelan I don't need the chimes! This site is among the coolest I've ever found.