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Please write where you went
and what you saw.

And what revelations you had.


Yup that's us, amorphous and visually hypnotizing but really grating to listen to for prolongued periods.

Just kidding, incredible job, beautiful. These Flash mandalas are just the thing to introduce the internet to Tibet.



Looking at this mandala makes me realize that all the many splinters I got this weekend at Headless Point (probably the most toxic spot in California, or at least San Francisco) have become weirdly infected.

I watched Star Wars Phantom Menace last night for some reason, and this effect is way better than anything they came up with for that.


i want to click it!


i'm all smiley at just the thought of me and wry and of course, of you making this for us. thank you so much gammy.



hey wry - say No to nasty foot. clean dem cuts out tonite when you come over or i'll do it for you. please!



somehow i always think wry is lighter than mabel. i persist in finding my lightness.


I am getting dizzy
Just like breadstick and mabel...those two are always making me dizzy. I think I am perhaps just inherently dizzy.

-the Red one


This ROCKS MY OBSESSIVE POTATO HEAD WORLD!!!!!!!!----if only I could hang it on my wall somehow. . .






fuck you


when i was on the ghost illusion i actualy came in contact with it some how. the spirits actualy spoke to me, weird but i loved it, your a genous. i came in contact with lang lost relitives, at least i think so? but i stayed up for hours on end. mater of fact, i havent slept for a day now thanks to the ghost mirror but im not one to complane. thanks alot, Miguel.


i had a great grandma and a great grandpa. i saw faces and mouth moovmints. i dont know where i went exactly, but i had visions and i heard voices, lots of voices. all the time. i talked abought God and His Son Jesus. i found out alot of cool things.


it was very inlightining and brethtaking.


yes, why?


you are?


whats interesting?


thank you.


so what do you want to talk abought?




why are you happy?


whats your name if you dont mind?


your funny.


ya i know why.


why is that?




ya, me to


why is that?


you remind me of my older brother


or you?


no, you cant be my brother




u still there?




u high?




you have a brain


dont you?


alrity then your high






your welcom


ya your prably rite


so if you have a brain, then why dont you use it?


please say somthing diffrent, please


whats inter esting now?


how deaply?


no your not get a grip


alrite do you want to hear a poem


when david was in his house praying to GOd he was begging for life, and a chance to live. his enimies were apon him. there was no escape form wickedness, he said, though an hostshould rise up aginst me, i shall not fear: though war should rise up against me, in this will i be confident.


you like?


telling you what?




i was also in the same position once.as david.i have to have a smoke first


same here man


rite now, ya


are you having fun?


dont let me stop you by all means


i wish i was stoned




thats the thing, i dont think abought it it comes natural




so whats up with you?


ya i agree with you


i want godly faces to appear please?


jesus loves me this i know


talk to me, hello?


im michael who are you


grama wholita, is that you?


sex yes mabie


no never mind talk to me when i get back and ill listen without music ok?


and GOD said let ther be light!!!






i prayed to my lord in thy hevens, hallowed be thy nome




that is if your a fine girl


your not a girl?



Very trippy


looks like a ladybug opening and closing its wings


Way too cool--
takes you down to a calmer plain~


it was cool. after a few minutes i really started to thinka bout things that were bothering me and answers just started popping into my head.thanks


nuffing really at all


I went to a cosmic zone, trying to find someome




Forest, monsters


I saw... insects.


Forest, monsters


I saw...insects




you are crazy arent you?


i like your symbol, so what are you really about?






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