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Tiny Caveboy Fan.

At the top of the escalator we see about 80 tiny two, three and four year old's standing on line in the toy department with their parents . Elmo and Super Grover have not yet arrived. They were a half hour late and the crowd was a bit antsy. Evil immediately went into full schtick and mostly charmed the tykes with only a few half-born cries from the meekest of the lot. Which would be about the same reaction that any costumed
Santa or Easter Bunny would receive.

Hear "Elmo Late!"

What People say to Evil Cave Boy





sometimes i dress up like santa claus in july and go to a public swimming pool and try to get people to sit on my lap. no luck yet, gotta keep trying.


what up....ho?


i touched you deeply. he he. eww


this is very wierd says the liitle man


me like candy


we have free toasters
blame jory for this


the real idenity of the cave oy is JORY


the cave boys best friend is JORY




i like to eat babies.


this is very creepy


this is very creepy


jory likes suckers


jory wonts to date evil cave boy


i love candy


i like big butts


you are so crazy, guys.


this the most stupidest site i have ever been to


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