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Against my better judgement M convinced me to go back in and find out what was really going on and to leave my $600 camera in her orange hands. I approached the door and a short chubby Hispanic cop, who M and N tell me was a woman, but I would have never guessed, asked me to open my jacket to look for my camera. She said she would arrest me if I didn't hand over the tape. I calmly ask her what right do they have to the tape. It was a public event, other people were video taping up there and that no one at any point had asked me to stop taping.
At that point the manager spotted the bright orange cave boy and pointed
across the street at ECB and said that it was in the black bag that
Evil was carrying. The cop said "I don't even want to talk to you any
more" and went across the street towards Evil Cave Boy.M started to
make an exit to the southeast, from whence we came. I figured it was
time to also make mine, and casually sauntered southwest towards Broadway
to roundabout to my place as a hoped for rendezvous place. We had no
contingency plans but I thought this was only prudent. I removed my
jacket to make an imagined radioed APB more difficult to execute and
peered hopefully up the Avenues for a flash of Bright Red hopefully
not Pursued by Blue. |
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