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ECB Escapes!

On the main floor Evil Caveboy waved to all the folks
and let them know that he was being thrown out.
The salesgirls at the makeup counter expressed their sympathy and we made it past a bemused cop, who smiled at us as she was entering through the left revolving door,
while we exited through the one on the right.
I don't imagine that she could reasonably understand
that this Absurd Apparition in a red fake-fur bikini
was the emergency 911 reason that she had been called.
I don't have any video of the cop. I know better than to point a shiny black object at a NYC cop.


What People say to Evil Cave Boy

Lookit that stupid s-eatin grin!


Nicolette looks great...does she have a fan club?


nicolette doesnt have a fan club but her shit really hits the fan


Gametone Teleporter:

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