What People say to Evil Cave Boy
What?! Who dropped my token?! i'll kill you jerkys!
im gonna sell this on ebay
better pictures
i love u
do do do lalalallal me barny
r u a computer
r u gay
Empyrean Isles envelop our measley existance. You alone, oh evil caveboy, bring us meaning; indeed, SUSTINANCE!!!
thinken that elmo must die is a lame idea but if It wasen't a humorus site i wouldent be here if you get better photos that you could see elmo and barny compering in a battle of dume would be much better in the sence of reson
elmo should have been eliminated, no matter what the cost.
what the f are you on?
really really really bad
yo wass up dogg this is from the W.S.C
I swalloed a thumbtack...