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Then I strategically retreated the long way around,
threading back though the Halloween candy aisles
to video the denouement from the other side.


What People say to Evil Cave Boy



What?! Who dropped my token?! i'll kill you jerkys!


im gonna sell this on ebay


better pictures


i love u


do do do lalalallal me barny


r u a computer


r u gay


Empyrean Isles envelop our measley existance. You alone, oh evil caveboy, bring us meaning; indeed, SUSTINANCE!!!


thinken that elmo must die is a lame idea but if It wasen't a humorus site i wouldent be here if you get better photos that you could see elmo and barny compering in a battle of dume would be much better in the sence of reson




elmo should have been eliminated, no matter what the cost.


what the f are you on?


really really really bad


yo wass up dogg this is from the W.S.C


I swalloed a thumbtack...


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