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That's Dodger, he was one of the people we'd harassed the night before on the moonlit ridge. As he put it when I apologized, "Hey, I understand the need to fuck." He was more wise in the ways of the sand dune than I, and he explained how the sand is at it's "maximum angle of repose", meaning it's stacked as steep as it can be without toppling over. I suppose the coarser the grain the less the angle, as, for example, rock piles aren't very steep. He also pointed out how this sand is about as fine as it could be without blowing away as dust or silt. As he put it, "It's just this side of cornstarch."


My AAA map calls these the "singing sand dunes", since when the sand slides in its mini avalanches it hums. The sound is like when you play a crystal wine glass with your finger and there's that moment just before it sings where there's that rubbing sound, but then the sound is also part didjeridoo, and part styrofoam rubbing against styrofoam. And then there's the simultaneous sound of wind. And if you're barefoot you can feel the dune vibrate just slightly and deeply, an amazing feeling as we walked along the ridge in the dark getting the dune to sing about every 10 minutes. As Dodger said, the dune was singing a lot this year.



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Like the sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives....



actually, we (dodger & kitten) escaped your nighttime harrassment - we were elsewhere on the dunes while you were cows and sheep. and my, wasn't that moonlight beautiful? it was surely surreal on the dunes that night. -analog desert kitten


actually, we (dodger & kitten) escaped your nighttime harrassment - we were elsewhere on the dunes while you were cows and sheep. and my, wasn't that moonlight beautiful? it was surely surreal on the dunes that night. -analog desert kitten


ah. water. where is our water?? bread, hand me the water...all this sand....ah, water...what happened to our wat..oh yeah...it rolled down the mountain hours ago.


However, I was in a tent alone when you started making blair-witch-esqe thumpings and groanings, and was scared shitless (I'd had a very spooky experience at night on top of the dunes with McCabe the year before)
Just you wait till next year, I'll get you meddlin' kids...


nice format dude







We wallowed in the sand for a good hour or two, but you can only make so many sand angels before it's time to move on, so we mounted our communal snowboard and made our merry way.

Linoleum and snowboards slide really well on this sand, and snowboards move almost as well as on snow.

Here's me in my first snowboard experience ever. A week later I was pasting stickers with snowboard logos on everything and listening to alterna-rock and calling everyone my homies. Peace out.

It's an amazing feeling sliding down the dunes. And yes, snowboarding's a blast.



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ey homey when you are on a dune you are sandboarding!

dune it today!



it happens to the best


Next year we're building a half pipe in the dunes, dude. Won't that be gnarley dude? killer. -S.H. Red


dont make me scream



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