
That's Dodger, he was one of the people we'd harassed the night
before on the moonlit ridge. As he put it when I apologized, "Hey,
I understand the need to fuck." He was more wise in the ways
of the sand dune than I, and he explained how the sand is at it's
"maximum angle of repose", meaning it's stacked as steep
as it can be without toppling over. I suppose the coarser the grain
the less the angle, as, for example, rock piles aren't very steep.
He also pointed out how this sand is about as fine as it could be
without blowing away as dust or silt. As he put it, "It's just
this side of cornstarch."

My AAA map calls these the "singing sand dunes", since
when the sand slides in its mini avalanches it hums. The sound is
like when you play a crystal wine glass with your finger and there's
that moment just before it sings where there's that rubbing sound,
but then the sound is also part didjeridoo, and part styrofoam rubbing
against styrofoam. And then there's the simultaneous sound of wind.
And if you're barefoot you can feel the dune vibrate just slightly
and deeply, an amazing feeling as we walked along the ridge in the
dark getting the dune to sing about every 10 minutes. As Dodger
said, the dune was singing a lot this year.