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 Your ScreED Here:



Fan-fucking-tastic site dude! It was the biggest and baddest Burning Man yet. Another incarnation of the post-apocalyptic Black Rock City. Hope lives for humanity.


yes it was amazing amazing amazing. my first time in 99 (after being sadly broke last year). i have a new faith in men, women, nature, and rental vans. i quit my job at an ad agency on the friday i returned to nyc. and it is a wonderful new day!


ps - i'm at nil9@netzero.net


No other gathering of any type on the planet even approaches the fulfillment of freedom, freedom of expression, and the required safety for said as this event does. It s all about finally having a truly safe home in a socially non-threatening environment as a fully uninhibited whatever-kinda artist for that one week. and i go cuz i know i'm welcome among my own kind.


Welllll... nice to see (again and again) what Mabel looked like during Burning Man, as when I came by the Cyberbuss Camp to say hi she wasn't around. Had fun nonetheless visiting yer neighbors Michael Suki et al in the Time Chime camp.

Thanks for all the pictures. Seeing them, I realize I didn't get to see much at all of what was offered at BRC this year... too busy turning inward, which is one of those nice perks also afforded by being there. It was, as they say, all good. A real watershed event in my life. A month ago, I was saying 99 would probably be my last year. What did I know then?

Y'all keep telling your stories. It's what helps us know, and remember, who each other are, and who we ourselves are in the process.


Abbycat (csl@well.com)


send all addresses to to binkyrabbit.com for your very own ABSOLUT BINKY t-shirt


that addy "binkyrabbit.com" isn't complete, and i'd like a t-shirt, so i hope you come back and fix this addy, please. i'm an xxl. and: what means sreed?


Thank you for your comments. Your comments are important to us. If you have any further questions please call our toll-free hotline. Enclosed is our latest brochure.

Thank you, and have a nice day.


The Burning Man Corporation


This is just the best fucking site on the planet, that's all there is to it. I super dig you guys and thank you over and over again for all the work that went into this. I am so grateful for having had a place to go to deal with the let down and loss after the burn. I missed it so much and needed a place to go so i could share someone elses experience of Bunring man and your site was the perfect fit for me. I send so many hugs and kisses and hair dye.

Love you guys,


thank you Wry. its a butifool memorabilia collection. a bientot. zoomie@infoflow.com


glad I went to BurningMan....i was inspired...and I might go back, but I'd rather do my own shindig......then I wouldn't have some fucking PC types telling me (in an always condescending this is for your own good kinda way) how this or that would be "better"...usually their reasoning involves some sort of generalized designated "ass hole" group that should be "kept out".....I say EVERYTHING should burned then, a random orgy of fire completely uncontrolled a wholesale destruction of material possessions and then we throw ourselves suttee style onto the pyre of our burning possessions (the concept of ownership and sacrifice are similar to the whole suttee idea ithink).

but then i chafe under authority...and its the kinda rash no gold bond powder's gonna cure.


I saw the Man Burn. They tried to shake Him down,force Him to their will, the will of the collective humanity there on the Playa. He resisted. They pulled harder at the cables; He still resisted, did a little dance for all of us. Finally, He went down into the flames, as we knew He would. But before He went, He spoke of some unfinished business, some unresolved issues. Perhaps it because of how big BM has become, perhaps something more. We shall see next year.


i like the word "screedilizer"......i now add it to my list of favorites. the other two are "saudade" y "crepusculo"....although "froggyfroggy" is swiftly approaching beatification.


The city lights stretched across the width of the windshield as we approached- a huge vertical beam marking the entry. too many- too large- had we accidentally circled back 70 miles through empty desert to Reno? Not possible- we were picking up transmissions from one of the many micro-powered Black Rock City radio stations- herky syncopated gypsy tunes of the sort Mrrranda sometimes plays on the other 88.3, Radio Free Ann Arbor.

Some Ranger traffic was also coming in on that frequency- the first word we heard was "...whirligig..."

"... did not copy... where are you... repeat... over..."
Male voice, San Francisco, smart.
"we're by the whiligig, over."
Female, fun, lilting.
"which whirligig, over."

"...a man has lost his dingo..., over..."

"The blue and white one, on the pole..."

"...coyotes 'll find 'm..."

another voice intercut..."wheeee! hahahaha...that tickles! "



Even anarchy, especially anarchy, requires personal responsibility. BM is the most beautiful and inclusive organic community I have ever seen. It's self-imposed organization doesn't prevent freedom, it collectively assembles it and allows it to be expressed, not to mention allowing the festival to continue in the first place despite the inundation of more observers this year than I have ever seen before.


I experienced the most heart felt encounters at BM this year. I say encounters because no one event stands out in my mind. Was it the couple making love in the triangle tent or might it be hanging out for several hours nursing a hang over playing foosball or could it be hanging with my fellow burners around a warm fire on a cold night. Hard to say. I guess the one word that best describes it for me is "amazing". If only the rest of the world could experience the peace and love I had felt even for a moment then the world would truely understand the meaning of the word brother. Again, AMAZING!!!


"The unique juxtaposition of forms in space, points out and illumines the vast solitude and lonliness of mankind in the space of the universe where tranquility, the essential oneness of spirit and matter, is expressed as dynamic flux."

Rev. K. M. Kafoed


Word ortwo of advice: lock yer bike. Upon emerging from a rave dome, I looked the other way for the mearist of a second, and saw that someone picked up my bike and was accelerating with it into the pre-dawn on the Playa. Fortunatly, I heeded my survival instinct, and caught up to the rider, and retrieved my ride before he hit warp factor. An honest mistake, I'd like to assume, but be forwarned, unless u wish to walk.


We are all tourists. For BM to exist at all requires a vast substructure which is rooted in the capitalist/industirial/consumerist conglomerate even as it stands apart from it. For such a phenomena to exist year round more than just the temperature and enviornment would have to change...we might have to surrender our (gasp) personal agendas, credit cards,automobiles and computers!!!KMK


I have to say that I appreciated the fucked-up premature Burn. Made it feel more homey, like when my friends blew up the 2XL robot with a pipe bomb when I was a kid...things don't always go off as planned. I was working the crowd when it happened... having lots of fun but saw this bright light, turned around, and the man was booming. None of that drum-roll build-up: the man was going off, the crowd we came in our collective pants, and then, of course, we roiled and broiled. It's one of my favorite things about the burn: walking in a circle amidst the hullabootiful chaos, looking at everyone's surprise and joy, the freaky faces you breeze past, catching bits of other peoples experience, their conversations, quips, gasps, and cries. Like: "You know, man, Brazil has got NOTHING on this...even WITH Carnival!"

Last year we walked clockwise, this year we somehow went counterclockwise. Got caught between the Tessla coil and a flamethrower trying to light a coy (but ultimately yielding) ball.


working as a temp (office whore) and today am currently being subjected to the worst of the crippled, ineffecient, bureacrats as they bitch and moan and insist on various forms being filled out and self righteously refusing to lift a finger until they have an initialled go ahead and whining that such and such is not their goddamned job and someone must be smoking crack if they think they're going to move anything without a written work order blah blah blah ....on top of that, my john is one of the worst of the for-profit managed health care providers.........I am in hell and find myself returning to my happy place.......topless, painted silver, in the middle of the fucking desert, eating a popsicle some one walked up and simply gave to me, on top of an RV, dancing as the sun set.....not to mention the incredibly rampant feeling of DYI.....


i ComE to ThEe unDer Cover....
YeS, BuRning MaN waS PhReaky......Lovely, awe inspiring art, beautiful butts and boobs dotting the playa landscape, interesting drug infested floozies offering up the moist chewy center of their being and such......But mostly I found it to be quite incestuous with not much emphasis on experiencing the amazing installations and savory intellects from around the globe....Ironically, with this outworn, narrow-minded perspective, I did become more open minded and experimental...


jesus christ loves you all soooooooo much! This is a satanic festval yer all involved in.....satan only wants to murder you....wake up oh sleeping sheep!


jesus christ loves yo' all soooooooo much! Fry
mah hide! This hyar is a satanic festval yer all
involved in, as enny fool kin plainly
see.....satan only be hankerin' t'murder
yo'....wake up oh sleepin' houn'dog! Fry mah


San Francisco Pre-Playa Days...

There is an event that seeps through the city like a virus
and it encompasses all who are supposed to receive it.
It is like an awareness of something that is inherent yet given and we must not let it be overlooked.
It is the meeting of the misguided lover,
the modern monkey
the primitive techno child.
We are alive in this time
screaming understanding...
and we are understood.
Maybe it only lasts for three months
but it is ample to build
universal dreams
weaving cosmic themes
with magic and laser
and iron
and spirit.
And just enough to propel us gracefully into the millennium
with bells and boas and glitter and parachute pants.
We will be there.
I n d i a n


...Sticking out my un-injured opposable thumb to hitch a ride to Neptune to explain the party foul. Walking naked through desertscapes, wearing nothing but a fine strand of blinking bulbs. And I am marked and painted and pierced and proud. Let me be the last lover of the earth and I will become her as cracked skin will soften with downpours of realization dropping iridescent seeds of the everything that will blossom into Capricorn banners of only one thing...



jesus christ loves yo' all soooooooo much! Right on! Fry mah hide! Right on! Dis hyar be a satanic festval ya' all involved in, as enny honkyfool kin plainly see.....satan only be hankerin' t'murder yo'....wake down oh sleepin' houn'dog! Right on! Fry mah hide! Right on!


what to do, a person who would love to find a mate. I feel as if i'm in the middle of a strange place in life. i just arrived home from a party in pacifica. i live in the city. Now, let me give you some insite. i'm the kind of gal i think you can take anywhere, my writing grammer may not be up to par but who's counting or cares if i mispell a word here or there. i'm kind of a shy gal when it comes to someone i like, and yes i need to conquere this if i want to meet mr. right. but why is it that i feel so simple around certain people but then when around simple people i feel soooooo bored. my family brought me up to be interested in all types of music and art, so i feel s if a i have broad spectrum of interest. o.k. why is that again that i feel the need to be inspired and can't find that in a man. i continually either find the simple or the complex. why insint there the miidle area. maybe i just haven't given the interesting enough time am i too shy and run away as soon as i feel simmple . is there any men out there that feel as i do. i like the pool hall as much as i like the symphony. as much as the minor artist in the citys shows and making a pic nic in the park just to watch the clouds and maybe some fun phreaks roll by. this is all intersting to me. why is it that i feel i'm a scene that can except everything and most gentlemen can't, what's up with that. i'm telling you sports are o.k. but i'd ratherbe playing them myself then watching them on tv. can i ever find a mate that is as open as i? i'd like to eat cheetos and drink champagne and not get flak about it. is there anyone out there that feels similar????????????


for el gustavo, el diablo, gustavo sandi cordoba: in case you have the sick idea that I, the great and fabulous Princessa, wrote the screed complaining about having no man and is there a mate out there, let me assure, that NO I did not.
I am very happy with Elvis to keep me warm...oh yeah, and yer wife is pretty snarky too.
love and kisses, although I wither while I wait,
la princessa


THANK YOU. Beautiful site. I am transported best of all back to our beloved Playa yea,yea.
And on and on it can go.
Remember, sometimes you come upon someone else's mess, and realize you may be the one to clan it up. GO TEAM!!!!


(that's clEan NOT clan)
Thought I'd hit the translator for REDNECK ;)


Love the site, Made the mistake of finding it while at work looked up and 2 1/2 hours had gone by! Some of the effects were truly awesome plus since 1999 was my first year I didn't think to bring a radio with me it was cool listening to the radio clips. Makes me want to buy a VW camper van. bigdan042@aol.com


Burning Man 2000 tickets on sale NOW!

*ONLY* $2000 dollars if you have your Burning Man VISA/MC postmarked in the NEXT 5 minutes!

note: You MUST show up 3 weeks early or your spot WILL be taken by the NEW Burning Man McDonald's franchise!




What a shame it is to lose one's mind, or not to have a mind is being very wasteful... how true that is!
Dan Quayle


VW Bus Camp (vwbuscamp.com) just checking in with a screed. Love the site. Kudos!

--- Begin Screed ---
Burning Man is not perfect and yes the freedoms there like elsewhere are disappearing but it's still a far-out event. So by all means raise hell for freedom and don't give up without a fight. But while traveling the road of life remember to stop and smell the roses. Burning Man is one of the roses and someday, like the rose, it to will die. And I for one, will be glad to have been there.
--- End Screed ---

***Screed Successfully Deployed!***
Awaiting Command>


bahumsquid-norwegian squid boats are perfect for saving terrorized rip-curlized surfers-panama sqiud*panama squid*like to smoke dat panama squid*squid save the cyber-king and queen-jan 4,03-goijart@mcn.org


goddammit-just remember to stop and smell the squid-no rip tide can stop u-




 The Wrybread Screedilizer
(include your name/email if you
want people to know who screeded):




Having trouble reading the screeds? Want them translated?


(complements of rinkworks.com)
