Sic the burning buffalo at em!
FYI, they sucked a lot. We were a block and a half away and we could hear them constantly - big assholes. Really stupid. Needed to be both slapped and ignored.
They also tagged the man and a bunch of other stuff, sent a whole lot of people
crying to center the paper was wrong when it said they harassed a twelve year
old girl, it was a six year old they followed saying "i wanna fuck your daughter"
to her dad. I'm cool with mean art that doesn't interfere with another persons
experience, but they were so cruel and mean spirited, they sucked basically. also
they were warned so mnay times and given every kind and still didn't give a shit
and did whatever they wanted so I dont feel badly for their being kicked out at
Sometimes, it is necessary to resort to a little government....
And so the story has been told for 33 generations of how the Rangers stole the
Buffallo's Fire.
Though the Buffalo is not loved by all rangers, that is not the reason it no longer
breaths fire.
they were directly across venus from us. pure evil with no irony. a little irony
would have gone a long way. cameron
This bad photo of the Buffalo followed by a long discourse on the biggest assholes
on the Playa this year , compete with misinformation (on both counts.), hardly
does the Buffalo justice. The Buffalo never harrassed anyone. The Rangers did
not outlaw the flaming nostrils. The impounding was all in good fun, as was the
Are you comparing the two? If so then get a fucking clue.
I think he was making a point about some law being necessary, not that the Buffalo was on a par with the Capitalist Pigs.
What does the necessity of a little law have to do with the Buffalo? It is one of the most profound symbols and moving (pun somewhat intended.) works of art I have ever encountered. The Capitalist Pigs wanted to piss poeple off. What exactly is the connection between the two?
Can Wrybread rise above his smug "Harumph" and respond?
I guess I'm going to have to be very explicit with this one. Here goes:
a) at least according to the rumor mill (sorry, I'm not omniscent), the rangers
(i.e., the law) asked someone connected to the Buffalo both not to shoot fire
from its nostrils, and not to drive the thing while inebriated.
b) To at least some people (myself included), that's annoying, whiffing of an encroachment of the anarchistic spirit of Burning Man. In other words, it smells like someone's trying to take away someone else's self-responsibility.
c) However, people like the Capitalist Pigs give a pretty good example of what happens in the complete absence of law. It would seem some people can't be trusted to be self-governing.
Which isn't to say d) that the Buffalo is representative of abuse of freedom. It only brings up the complex issue of how much regulation there should be, when it should be enforced, and much etc.
Did I answer your question?
ps- Just to clarify things further, the interesting issue here has nothing to
do with the buffalo. I don't care about the buffalo any more or less than I do
about any other good artcar, but I care very much about the very complex issue
of how and when laws should be enforced at Burning Man.
with anarchy comes intelligence and love its sad we have very little
i never saw/heard the CP camp myself, but i did encounter their 'land mines' one night while riding my bike. getting snarled in my bike and doing a face plant into the pitch dark 1) hurt like a mofo and 2) scared the shit out of me. good riddance.