Presenting the always delectable Sergeant Sauce. Give her time to load, and if you're not reading the inscription on her legs, you're not looking close enough. Click the pic for a full screen version. 

Do I get the part in the Thighmaster infomercial?


No, but a touch more garlic, and a glass of '62 Chardonnay...


it's so yummy....
in my tummy...


Is that Seargent Sauce or High Admiral Super Ham?


Look what joiseys finest has in store for desert


So where do I go for
"That's Entertainment"


From your soul to your nose, Sauce, you are about as sexy as it gets...
d e l i c i o u s
-Solar Sam


"I'll buy that for a dollar"


MOM ? Is that you??? Sgt60s


Shaken and stirred, now THAT'S DELICIOUS!!!


She's working up my appetite.


that sure as hell is entertainment...


groovy fuckin moves


Too bad she's wearing panties


...And if you're not down with that, I've got two words for you...


I'd have to get a taste before i'd know for sure....


That's Delicious.


look tart too me




now i'd know i'd do her after a 6 pack. hell, id do her now.




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