The  Sacred Disorder of the Enigmata. I was dubbed an official saint last year. It was good to see these guys again - reminding us to be our own Messiah.

the one-eyed-snake is king....


Say five hail mary's, and let me see your snake


St. Stupid has his reservations


nice, but get us some female nudes please!!


Didn't anyone cover the"its a small world" and the rocket lanch from Friday nite.


Greetings from Saint Candela. Mundane matters kept me from the playa this year. It's so good to see my Dharma Tornado enjoying himself along with blessed father Ratbite LaRue.


That's Bruce and Mark in the picture from


Excellent picture! The Pious One & The Pagan One. -matthias


Yer gonna burn in Haill fer that!
Sez so in th' Hory Bable!




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Dude, get a shovel. My friend Joe just got caught in some nasty quicksand. 

So Easter Island's been tunnelling all year, then?...


Blackrock bonehead


This is what happens if you stay at Black Rock City longer than you planned.


Wow, when this artist finds a way to not conform but contribute, I want a piece of thier work!




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