(none yet) (none yet)




We drove on, elated,


over hill,


and over dale,


finally arriving at the gulf coast town of Santa Something Or Other (forgot it, I'll fill it in later, oops),


which is mostly an industrial wasteland.




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This is a great site. I'm enjoying myself. Good work. - Shooby Taylor


i want to go to mexico iw ant to go live there...in puebla or oaxaca and i want to name my first child huitlcoche


I agree with Shooby, this site is great. i love living vicariously when i'm stuck behind a desk.Oh, and i guess i'll sign this one.


Oh no! they drove over Dale !!!


Is that where they filmed the first Robocop?


Yeah, and who's that with the Che Guevara beard?


That would be Dales's killer








Lacking anything better to photograph, Dr. Cyber Sam Malone turned to the photographers.


We reached the outskirts, and were too exhausted to hunt for a good place to spend the night, so we found an RV park, replete with the telltale English language signs.  We drove down a road that they'd tried to spruce up for the gringos, and miraculously hadn't ruined.






So we parked,


and even busted out our picnic table and patio chairs for the occasion.  As the old expression goes, "When in an RV park, do as the RV parkers do."

Until tomorrow.




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I must say, having surfed the web since 1994, I've been bored stiff by most of what I see out there. My hat is off to you guys! I just keep clicking, and clicking through your site to see what's next. Great job


I must say, having surfed the web since 1994, I've been bored stiff by most of what I see out there. My hat is off to you guys! I just keep clicking, and clicking through your site to see what's next. Great job


Sombody's gettiong re-dun-dant...*grin*


need more ta-ta's


You even have RV-parker-sized Baja TVs! There's been a lot of planning on this trip. And the journey's still pretty interesting to boot.







Click it.