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Turns out this "Independent Order of Odd Fellows" is a Biblical organization.  Too bad, it had such potential.


An odd fellow.


An odd crest.



Are they looking for MORE Odd Fellows?


I belong to I.O.O.F. a very wonderful organization that was named before Odd fellow meant what it means today. FACT


IOOF Independent order of odd fellows. A christian fellowship lodge. Guess that would be odd in 1999


I agree


What is so odd about being a christian and why "too bad" about it being a biblical organization?


usually because christian organizations are too busy telling other people how to think to worry about the downtrodden and oppressed (unlike the motto on the seal). ex: focus on the family


Another dumb ass southerner wearing his queer shirt saying that Lee surrenered but he did not, well DUH he didnt, he wasnt alive back then.


Another message from the uninformed. How do you know for sure that he wasn't alive "back then"?


I suppose he could _think_ that he was there if he's a "born-again" Christian. But he wasn't. (Oh, and if you hadn't noticed, there is a decided anti-organized religion bias here, which I happen to agree with. <troll> Down with God! </troll>)


I think his shirt says everything that need be said about "biblical organizations"


hillbillys are funny




"Some folk'll never lose a toe,
but then again some folk'll,
like Cleatus the slack-jawed yokel!"


Darn yall,
Cleatus aint no slack-jawed yokel, i is!


Ease up guys. We need these Odd Fellows to bury our dead.


I like lettuce. Lettuce is good.


I wish I was watching the "Dukes of Hazard" to ease my fashust mind. Daisy?........ Wher you at?


I have a dream, that someday, my children will grow up in a world where even if you snort crack and booze 'till you're fourty, so long as you have enough money, you can be president. Oh shit, that's not a dream, that's a nightmare.


where do they keep the even fellows?


Hey last week I was sick and not one odd fellow visited me!!!!!


sorry, scuse me


as long as they are not commies or fashusts


still sad to out of indiana


Today, most Christian organizations see "odd fellows" as a threat, especially if the odd fellows in question want to marry each other.


I especially wonder about Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka KS. Their understanding of Christ's love and 2,000 years of Christian teachings can be summed up in the name of their website, http://www.godhatesfags.com


yore site sure is funny when yore reading it drunk...


General Lee's musket balls taste like chicken


This is bubba standing in front of the groups seal. Bubba likes his "I never surrendered" shit. He has had it since he got the steel plate in his head after the farm implement accident.


The IooF being a 'christian organization' is a new one on me - I always felt they were Mason wanna-be's
just like the BpoE elks, Kiwanis and Lion and Rotary, etc. They all with they could be Masons, deep down


...and the masons remain nothing but drunks with access...


Satan Rules...for now!


Got Satan??


Get Jesus!!!


God is love! He loves everyone...even this "odd fellow".




sweet be-jezuzs
whodda thunkd
diz 'ere box haz mez an IN-TER-NET???


I am an Odd Fellow, and I have never seen or read such ignornance in one place in all my life, this site is as bad as it gets.Do some history research, Idiots


u r cleatus the slack jawed yokel



odd shit




I'm looking for satanic signs!!I can't find nothing!!:((


my lovly butful waman and ined her


it is all but christian your lodge!
You are not worshiping Jesus Christ.


repent and be saved.


Odd Fellowship has nothing to do with chritianity it is the poor man's masonary!
So I can advise yoy just one thing: repent to Christ.




Eat Me


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