wow very weird!
It's gotta be a fashust salute..I see it everywhere now. My girfriend saluted me the other day before she left me..odd
Is that what that means? I watched the Beverly Hillbillies and thought ti meant Hello. Wow! I was really wrong.
I don't live in Indiana, I don't live in Indiana...(clicking heels of ruby slippers)
every thing here has no right in the constution!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell me that these aren't in Indiana!!!!! But the signs ARE funny!!!!!!!
every body here is going to take a dump!!!!!!!!!
What is wrong with these people?!?!?! Every other sign has a hand giving the finger!!!!!!!!!! These people must have forgotten to take their medication!!!!!
we're all going to die
AAAAAAAAAAAA! I DON'T WANT 2 DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what these signs represents??????
This is fucking stupid!!!
You're fucking stupid
Uh? Is this man employed somewhere? That's a scary thought. Bet he works for the post office!
pico p'al que lea
i had a dog it died of the flu!
flu under a bus!
What R U Doooing?
What R U Doooing?
What R U Doooing?
Indiana is, after all, the state that elected Dan Quayle to the Senate...
Indiana rocks for its independent fashusts and creative mentalities (I sorta hope these signs ARE in indiana) Go Hoosiers!
Feed them Fishheads!!!
Waz that Bev or Beev
If everybodys phucking witches Im one! love Beav
Unfortunately he was closed ???? MORE LIKE LUCKY YOU! Could have been mistaken for a "commey" and executed. Someone should lock freaks like that up for umm oh say...EVER!
and i thought alberta was wierd
I can't believe this guy isn't out shaking hands (not just his own, i mean other peoples)
if he sells his 'protest-art' let the Smithsonian and the MOMA know...
soooooo stupid , this really sucks !!
this site kicks my ass...
your momma is so dumb she sat on the tv and wached the couch
indian a man from in dia!!!!
-british wit-
i made my girl freind a penis butter and ky jelly sandwitch.and she ate it
vader is a penis eater he hangs out on kali playing online games.what a foondart.
What the fuck is the purpose of this fucking exercise?
fuck you
some day vroo will rule kali like a god
tankie2 is a big fat bully of a descent whore.
crapdragoon should be banned from kali for life.vroo
mase has man boobies but is ok at descent on kali
booblyeyes is a nube lammer foondart!
corny likes playing games on kali and we would all like to do her. what a foondart
what about skunk?
Corny calls me beefcake. :D
jay please help us there are too many ass holes on kali. put vroo in charge mmm k
el centro is the best band in the world listen then play d2 on kali
hellbent , what can i say about him acts like a fool but has some brains.
Dig Dug & the Big Bug!